Isaías 11:6-9

6 El lobo morará con el cordero, y el leopardo se echará con el cabrito; el becerro, el leoncillo y el animal doméstico andarán juntos , y un niño los conducirá.
7 La vaca y la osa pacerán, sus crías se echarán juntas, y el león, como el buey, comerá paja.
8 El niño de pecho jugará junto a la cueva de la cobra, y el niño destetado extenderá su mano sobre la guarida de la víbora.
9 No dañarán ni destruirán en todo mi santo monte, porque la tierra estará llena del conocimiento del SEÑOR, como las aguas cubren el mar.

Isaías 11:6-9 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter is a prophecy of the Messiah, and gives an account of his descent, as man; of his qualifications for his office, as a Judge and King; of his performance of it; of the peaceableness of his kingdom; of the spread of it among the Gentiles, by the preaching of the Gospel; and of the last and general conversion of the Jews. His original and descent from David the son of Jesse, under the titles of a rod and branch, is described as mean and obscure, expressed by stem and roots, Isa 11:1 his gifts and qualifications for his work, in general and particular, Isa 11:2 the performance of it, both with respect to good men and bad men, in the fear of the Lord, with all equity, righteousness, and readiness, Isa 11:3-5 the peaceableness of his kingdom is figuratively expressed, by the agreement of savage and tame creatures, the former becoming the latter, and so losing their malignant and hurtful nature, through the efficacy of the Gospel, spreading the knowledge of Christ all over the world, Isa 11:6-9 particularly among the Gentiles, comparable to those savage creatures, who, upon the exhibition of Christ in the Gospel; should seek to him, and find rest in him, Isa 11:10 which will be followed or accompanied with a collection of the Jews out of all lands, and the conversion of them, which will be brought about by the power and grace of God, all impediments being by him removed out of the way; the consequences of which will be, peace among themselves, and obedience among the Gentiles, Isa 11:11-16.

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Footnotes 1

  • [a]. Algunas versiones antiguas dicen: y el becerro y el leoncillo comern juntos
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