Nuba Families Plead for Bibles—You Can Send Hope Now!
The Bible
The Bible
Bible Study
Bible Stories
Our Library
Philosophy and Religion
Philosophy and Religion
Augustus Hopkins Strong
Philosophy and Religion
Science and Religion
Materialistic Skepticism
The Philosophy of Evolution
Modern Idealism
Scientific Theism
The Will in Theology
Modified Calvinism
The Christian Miracles
The Method of Inspiration
Christian Individualism
The New Theology
The Living God
The Holiness of God
The Two Natures of Christ
The Necessity of the Atonement
The Believer's Union with Christ
The Baptism of Jesus
Christian Truth and Its Keepers
Unconscious Assumptions of Communion Polemics
The Teacher's Guide and Helper
Councils of Ordination: Their Powers and Duties
The Claims of the Christian Ministry
Sources of Supply for the Ministry
The Lack of Students for the Ministry
Education for the Ministry: Its Principles and Its Necessity
Education for the Ministry: Its Idea and Its Requisites
Training for Leadership
Are Our Colleges Christian?
New Testament Interpretation
A Great Teacher of Greek Exegesis
Church History, and One Who Taught It
Learning in the Professor's Chair
The Death of the President
The Kingdom of God and Its Coming
Leaving the Ninety and Nine
The Economics of Missions
The Theology of Missions
The Nature and Purpose of the Cherubim
Woman's Place and Work
Woman's Work in Missions
The Education of a Woman
Remarriage After Divorce
Christianity and Political Economy
Getting and Spending
Recollections of the East
The Crusades
Dante and the Divine Comedy
Poetry and Robert Browning
1873: "The Three Onlies"
1874: Truth and Love
1875: Manhood in the Ministry
1876: Work and Power
1877: Courage, Passive and Active
1878: True Dogmatism
1879: God's Leadings
1880: Self-Mastery
1881: Mental Qualities Requisite to the Pastor
1882: Adaptation
1883: Faith the Measure of Success
1884: Habits in the Ministry
1885: The Preacher's Doubts
1886: High-Mindedness
1887: Zeal for Christ