
Booth [N]

a hut made of the branches of a tree. In such tabernacles Jacob sojourned for a season at a place named from this circumstance Succoth ( Genesis 33:17 ). Booths were erected also at the feast of Tabernacles (q.v.), Leviticus 23:42 Leviticus 23:43 , which commemorated the abode of the Israelites in the wilderness.

These dictionary topics are from
M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition,
published by Thomas Nelson, 1897. Public Domain, copy freely.

[N] indicates this entry was also found in Nave's Topical Bible

Bibliography Information

Easton, Matthew George. "Entry for Booth". "Easton's Bible Dictionary". .


booth, booth:

The Hebrew word cukkah (rendered in the King James Version "booth" or "booths," eleven times; "tabernacle" or "tabernacles," ten times; "pavilion" or "pavilions," five times; "cottage" once) means a hut made of wattled twigs or branches (Leviticus 23:42; Nehemiah 8:15). In countries where trees are abundant such wattled structures are common as temporary buildings as they can be constructed in a very short time. Cattle were probably housed in them (Genesis 33:17). Such hurriedly-made huts were use d by soldiers (2 Samuel 11:11; 1 Kings 20:12) and by harvesters--hence, the name feast of "booths" or "tabernacles" (see TABERNACLES, FEAST OF). Job 27:18 uses booth (parallel moth's house) as a symbol of impermanence. Similar huts were erected in vineyards, etc., to protect them from robbers and beasts of prey. The isolated condition of Jerusalem in the time of the prophet Isaiah is compared to a "booth in a vineyard" (Isaiah 18).

T. Lewis

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These files are public domain.

Bibliography Information
Orr, James, M.A., D.D. General Editor. "Entry for 'BOOTH'". "International Standard Bible Encyclopedia". 1915.  

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