Peter Hobart
Peter Hobart, A. M.—This pious person was born at Higliam in Norfolk, in the year 1604, and received his education at Cambridge, where he discovered much gravity, sobriety, and hatred of all vice. By his pious parents he was dedicated to the Lord from his earliest infancy. After he had finished his studies at the university, be taught school, and preached occasionally for a conformist minister, at whose house he lodged. This minister being requested to give his opinion of young Hobart, said, " I do highly approve of his abilities. He will be an able preacher; but I fear he will be too precise." He was afterwards exceedingly harassed and persecuted from one place to another, on account of his nonconformity; yet the good providence of God took care of him and his family, and they never suffered want. His last place of abode was Haverhil in Suffolk, where his labours were rendered a blessing to many souls. The arbitrary proceedings of the prelates became, at length, so intolerant, that he resolved to retire to New England, where he should be free from all episcopal molestation, obtain a settled place of abode, and be constantly employed in the work of the Lord. Accordingly, in the year 1635, he embarked with his wife and four children; and, after a long and sickly voyage, arrived at Charlestown, where he found his parents, brethren, and sisters, got safe before him. He received invitations from several churches, but settled, with his friends, upon a new plantation, which he called Higliam. There he gathered a church, and continued its able and useful pastor many years.
Mr. Hobart was a hard student, and always studied standing, which practice he recommended to others. He was a man of exemplary piety, and loved good people of all persuasions. He used pleasantly lo say, that those who were furiously hot about church discipline, and cold about the life and power of godliness, were all church and no Christ. He was pastor of the church at Higham about forty-three years; after which, old age and its infirmities coming upon him, he was obliged, during the last year, to resign his charge. A few weeks before his death, having assisted at the ordination of his successor, he exclaimed, "Now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace;" and, soon after, he resigned his soul into the hands of God, on January 20, 1678, in the seventy-fourth year of his age.»
• Mather's Hist, of New Eng. b. iii. p. 153-1B5.