Thomas Patient
Thomas Patient was some time an independent minister in New England, where he embraced the sentiments of the baptists. This was probably the reason why he is not mentioned by Dr.Cotton Mather, who seems to have possessed a portion of that bigotry which disgraced some of his countrymen. Mr. Patient not being suffered to live quietly on the other side the Atlantic, came over to England about the commencement of the civil wars, and was chosen colleague with the excellent Mr. William Kifrin,* pastor of the baptist church in Devonshire-square, London. Tlieir names are united in the confession of faith published by the seven baptist churches in London, in 1644.+ After this, he traveller about the country, and was very industrious in propagating lis opinions. Crosby informs us, that he went over to Ireland with General Fleetwood, lord-lieutenant of that kingdom, who, having displaced Dr. Winter, appointed MrPatient to preach in the cathedral of Dublin. He also preached at other places through the country4 In Dublin he became chaplain to Coionel John Jones, who married the sister of Oliver Cromwell, and was one of the lords of his house. Colonel Jones is described as a person lost in fanaticism; which, it is said, led him to prefer his favourite chaplain Patient, before the regular clergy. Accordingly, he was appointed to preach before Jones and the couucil, in Christ's-church, Dublin, every Lord's day. It appears, from Milton's State Papers, that Mr. Patient travelled into different parts of Ireland along with the English army: He dates a letter from the head-quarters, Kilkenny, April 15, 1650. Mr. Thomas has preserved the copy of a very excellent letter, dated Dublin, the 12th of the 4th month, l65f), addressed to the churches of Us ton and Llantrisaint, in Glamorganshire; which is subscribed by Mr. Patient and many others, and contains much excellent advice.$ Crosby says, he was very instrumental in promoting the interests of the baptists in that country; and was probably the founder of the baptist church at Clough-Keating, which, at the time he wrote, was in a very flourishing state.||
We do not find in what year Mr. Patient returned to England, but it was, most probably, after the restoration. After his return, being chosen to the office of joint-elder with Mr. Kiflin, he was set apart in Devonshire-square, June 28, 1666; Mr. Harrison and Mr. Knollys assisting on the occasion. In this office, however, he was not suffered to continue long, by reason of death; as appears from the follow ing memorandum in the church-books belonging to that society:— "July 30, 1666: Thomas Patient was, on the 29th instant, discharged by death from his work and office, he being then taken from the evil to come; and having rested from all his labours, leaving a blessed savour behind him of his great usefulness and sober conversation. This his sudden removal being looked upon to be his own great advantage, but the church's sore loss. On this day he was carried to his grave, accompanied by the members of this and other congregations, in a christian, comely, and decent manner."* Mr. Patient published nothing besides " The Doctrine of Baptisme," 1654.
* A very interesting account of Mr. Kidio has been lately published.— See Wilson's liist. and Antiquities of Dissenters, vol. i. p. 400. t Featley's Dippers Dipt, p. 177.
t Tburloe's State Papers, vol. iii. p. 90.—Crosby's Baptists, vol. iii. p. 43. 5 Thomas's MS. History, p. 14, 15. P Crosby's Baptists, vol. iii. p. 43.