Isaiah 45:4

4 For the sake of Jacob my servant, of Israel my chosen, I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor, though you do not acknowledge me.

Isaiah 45:4 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
4 For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.
English Standard Version (ESV)
4 For the sake of my servant Jacob, and Israel my chosen, I call you by your name, I name you, though you do not know me.
New Living Translation (NLT)
4 “And why have I called you for this work? Why did I call you by name when you did not know me? It is for the sake of Jacob my servant, Israel my chosen one.
The Message Bible (MSG)
4 It's because of my dear servant Jacob, Israel my chosen, That I've singled you out, called you by name, and given you this privileged work. And you don't even know me!
American Standard Version (ASV)
4 For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel my chosen, I have called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
4 For the sake of my servant Jacob, Israel, my chosen one, I have called you by name. I have given you a title of honor, although you don't know me.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
4 I call you by your name, because of Jacob My servant and Israel My chosen one. I give a name to you, though you do not know Me.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
4 Cyrus, I am sending for you by name. I am doing it for the good of the family of Jacob. They are my servants. I am doing it for Israel. They are my chosen people. You do not know anything about me. But I am giving you a title of honor.

Isaiah 45:4 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 45:4

For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even
called thee by thy name
Not so much for the sake of Cyrus, and to do honour to him, was it that he so long before he was born called him by his name; but to assure the people of the Jews, the Lord's chosen people, and who were his servants, of the certainty of their deliverance, their deliverer being mentioned by name; and it was for their sakes, and not his, that he called him, and raised him up to do such great things as he did, that he might deliver them from their captivity: and it is for the sake of God's elect, whom he has chosen to holiness and happiness, to serve him, and be with him for ever, that he has called Christ, of whom Cyrus was a type, and sent him into the world, to be the Saviour and Redeemer of them: I have surnamed thee;
not only called him by his name, Cyrus, but surnamed him his "shepherd", and "his anointed", ( Isaiah 44:28 ) ( 45:1 ) : though thou hast not known me;
as yet not being born; and when he was, and was grown up, he was ignorant of the true God; and though, upon sight of the above prophecy, and under an immediate influence and impression, he acknowledged the God of Israel to be the God of heaven yet it does not appear that he left the Pagan idolatry; for Xenophon


F11 relates, that when he found his end was near, he took sacrifices, and offered them to Jupiter, and the sun, and the rest of the gods; and gave them thanks for the care they had taken of him; and prayed them to grant happiness to his wife, children, friends, and country.
F11 Cyropaedia, l. 8. c. 45.

Isaiah 45:4 In-Context

2 I will go before you and will level the mountains ; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.
3 I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.
4 For the sake of Jacob my servant, of Israel my chosen, I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor, though you do not acknowledge me.
5 I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God. I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me,
6 so that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting people may know there is none besides me. I am the LORD, and there is no other.

Cross References 2

  • 1. S Isaiah 14:1; Isaiah 41:8-9
  • 2. Acts 17:23
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