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2 Samuel
2 Samuel 3:36
Compare Translations for 2 Samuel 3:36
2 Samuel 3:35
2 Samuel 3:37
Holman Christian Standard Bible
All the people took note of this, and it pleased them. In fact, everything the king did pleased them.
Read 2 Samuel (CSB)
English Standard Version
And all the people took notice of it, and it pleased them, as everything that the king did pleased all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (ESV)
King James Version
And all the people took notice of it, and it pleased them: as whatsoever the king did pleased all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (KJV)
The Message Bible
Everyone at the funeral took notice - and liked what they saw. In fact everything the king did was applauded by the people.
Read 2 Samuel (MSG)
New American Standard Bible
Now all the people took note of it, and it pleased them, just as everything the king did pleased all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (NAS)
New International Version
All the people took note and were pleased; indeed, everything the king did pleased them.
Read 2 Samuel (NIV)
New King James Version
Now all the people took note of it, and it pleased them, since whatever the king did pleased all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (NKJV)
New Living Translation
This pleased the people very much. In fact, everything the king did pleased them!
Read 2 Samuel (NLT)
New Revised Standard
All the people took notice of it, and it pleased them; just as everything the king did pleased all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (NRS)
Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese)
Todo o povo notou isso, e pareceu-lhe bem; assim como tudo quanto o rei fez pareceu bem a todo o povo.
Read 2 Samuel (AA)
American Standard Version
And all the people took notice of it, and it pleased them; as whatsoever the king did pleased all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (ASV)
The Bible in Basic English
And all the people took note of it and were pleased: like everything the king did, it was pleasing to the people.
Read 2 Samuel (BBE)
La Biblia de las Américas (Español)
Y todo el pueblo reparó en ello, y les agradó, pues todo lo que el rey hacía agradaba a todo el pueblo.
Read 2 Samuel (BLA)
Common English Bible
All the troops took notice of this and were pleased by it. Indeed, everything that the king did pleased them.
Read 2 Samuel (CEB)
Common English Bible w/ Apocrypha
All the troops took notice of this and were pleased by it. Indeed, everything that the king did pleased them.
Read 2 Samuel (CEBA)
The Complete Jewish Bible
All the people took note of this, and it pleased them; whatever the king did pleased all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (CJB)
The Darby Translation
And all the people remarked it, and it pleased them; as whatever the king did pleased all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (DBY)
Elberfelder 1905 (German)
Und alles Volk nahm es wahr; und es war gut in ihren Augen, wie alles, was der König tat, gut war in den Augen des ganzen Volkes.
Read 2 Samuel (ELB)
Good News Translation
They took note of this and were pleased. Indeed, everything the king did pleased the people.
Read 2 Samuel (GNT)
Good News Translation w/ Apocrypha
They took note of this and were pleased. Indeed, everything the king did pleased the people.
Read 2 Samuel (GNTA)
GOD'S WORD Translation
Then all the people understood and approved of this, as all the people approved of everything the king did.
Read 2 Samuel (GW)
Hebrew Names Version
All the people took notice of it, and it pleased them; as whatever the king did pleased all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (HNV)
La Biblia del Jubileo 2000
Así entendió todo el pueblo, y agradó a sus ojos; porque todo lo que el rey hacía agradaba ante los ojos de todo el pueblo
Read 2 Samuel (JBS)
Jubilee Bible 2000
And all the people understood, and it pleased them, for whatever the king did pleased all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (JUB)
King James Version w/ Apocrypha
And all the people took notice of it, and it pleased them: as whatsoever the king did pleased all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (KJVA)
Lexham English Bible
All the people noticed, and it [was] good in their eyes, as everything that the king did [was] good in the eyes of all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (LEB)
Louis Segond 1910 (French)
Cela fut connu et approuvé de tout le peuple, qui trouva bon tout ce qu'avait fait le roi.
Read 2 Samuel (LSG)
Luther Bible 1912 (German)
Und alles Volk erkannte es, und gefiel ihnen auch wohl, wie alles, was der König tat, dem ganzen Volke wohl gefiel;
Read 2 Samuel (LUT)
New Century Version
All the people saw what happened, and they agreed with what the king was doing, just as they agreed with everything he did.
Read 2 Samuel (NCV)
New International Reader's Version
All of the people heard it and were pleased. In fact, everything the king did pleased them.
Read 2 Samuel (NIRV)
New Revised Standard w/ Apocrypha
All the people took notice of it, and it pleased them; just as everything the king did pleased all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (NRSA)
Nueva Traducción Viviente
Esto agradó mucho a los israelitas. De hecho, todo lo que el rey hacía les agradaba.
Read 2 Samuel (NTV)
Nueva Versión Internacional
La gente prestó atención, y a todos les pareció bien. En realidad, todo lo que hacía el rey les agradaba.
Read 2 Samuel (NVI)
Nova Versão Internacional
Todo o povo ouviu isso e o aprovou; de fato, tudo o que o rei fazia o povo aprovava.
Read 2 Samuel (NVIP)
Ostervald (French)
Et tout le peuple l'entendit, et l'approuva; et tout le peuple trouva bon tout ce que fit le roi.
Read 2 Samuel (OST)
Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible
And all the people heard, and they were pleased, and all that the king did seemed good in the sight of all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (RHE)
Revised Standard Version
And all the people took notice of it, and it pleased them; as everything that the king did pleased all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (RSV)
Revised Standard Version w/ Apocrypha
And all the people took notice of it, and it pleased them; as everything that the king did pleased all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (RSVA)
La Biblia Reina-Valera (Español)
Súpolo así todo el pueblo, y plugo en sus ojos; porque todo lo que el rey hacía parecía bien en ojos de todo el pueblo.
Read 2 Samuel (RVR)
Sagradas Escrituras (1569) (Español)
Así entendió todo el pueblo, y agradó a sus ojos; porque todo lo que el rey hacía parecía bien en ojos de todo el pueblo.
Read 2 Samuel (SEV)
Statenvertaling (Dutch)
Als al het volk dit vernam, zo was het goed in hun ogen, alles, zoals de koning gedaan had, was goed in de ogen van het ganse volk.
Read 2 Samuël (SVV)
Third Millennium Bible
And all the people took notice of it, and it pleased them, as whatsoever the king did pleased all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (TMB)
Third Millennium Bible w/ Apocrypha
And all the people took notice of it, and it pleased them, as whatsoever the king did pleased all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (TMBA)
The Latin Vulgate
omnisque populus audivit et placuerunt eis cuncta quae fecit rex in conspectu totius populi
Read 2 Samuel (VUL)
The Latin Vulgate w/ Apocrypha
omnisque populus audivit et placuerunt eis cuncta quae fecit rex in conspectu totius populi
Read 2 Samuel (VULA)
The Webster Bible
And all the people took notice [of it], and it pleased them: as what ever the king did pleased all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (WBT)
World English Bible
All the people took notice of it, and it pleased them; as whatever the king did pleased all the people.
Read 2 Samuel (WEB)
And all the people heard this; and all things which the king did in the sight of all the people pleased them;
Read 2 Samuel (WYC)
Young's Literal Translation
And all the people have discerned [it], and it is good in their eyes, as all that the king hath done is good in the eyes of all the people;
Read 2 Samuel (YLT)
2 Samuel 3:35
2 Samuel 3:37
2 Samuel 3:36 Commentaries
Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete)
John Gill's Exposition of the Bible
Geneva Study Bible
Wesley's Explanatory Notes