1 Coríntios 10:14

14 Portanto, meus amados, fugi da idolatria.

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1 Coríntios 10:14 Meaning and Commentary

1 Corinthians 10:14

Wherefore, my dearly beloved
Some copies add, "brethren"; as do the Complutensian edition, and Ethiopic version; all which endearing epithets are used to persuade to attend to the exhortation enforced upon the foregoing considerations; since the Jewish fathers, who were idolaters, fell so much under the divine displeasure; and since such who thought they stood were so liable to fall, and the temptation to which they exposed themselves was of such a dangerous consequence; therefore,

flee from idolatry;
as what is most dishonourable, pernicious, and abominable: the apostle's meaning is, not only that they would not worship idols, or commit plain downright acts of idolatry; but that they would stand at the greatest distance from idols, not so much as go into an idol's temple, and there sit down and eat; which if not a real act of idolatry, had at least the show of one; and his sense is, that they would abstain from all appearance of idolatry, from every occasion of it, and whatsoever led unto it; particularly he means, that they would not eat of things sacrificed to idols as such, and in an idol's temple; which he considers as a species of idolatrous worship, and by a similar instance he after proves it to be so, even a partaking of the table of devils.

1 Coríntios 10:14 In-Context

12 Aquele, pois, que pensa estar em pé, olhe não caia.
13 Não vos sobreveio nenhuma tentação, senão humana; mas fiel é Deus, o qual não deixará que sejais tentados acima do que podeis resistir, antes com a tentação dará também o meio de saída, para que a possais suportar.
14 Portanto, meus amados, fugi da idolatria.
15 Falo como a entendidos; julgai vós mesmos o que digo.
16 Porventura o cálice de bênção que abençoamos, não é a comunhão do sangue de Cristo? O pão que partimos, não é porventura a comunhão do corpo de Cristo?
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