1 Pedro 2:11

11 Amados, exorto-vos, como a peregrinos e forasteiros, que vos abstenhais das concupiscências da carne, as quais combatem contra a alma;

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1 Pedro 2:11 Meaning and Commentary

1 Peter 2:11

Dearly beloved, I beseech you
The apostle, from characters of the saints, and which express their blessings and privileges, with great beauty, propriety, and pertinency, passes to exhortations to duties; he addresses the saints under this affectionate appellation, "dearly beloved", to express his great love to them, and to show that what he was about to exhort them to sprung from sincere and hearty affection for them, and was with a view to their real good; nor does he in an authoritative way command, as he might have done, as an apostle, but, as a friend, he entreats and beseeches them:

as strangers and pilgrims;
not in a literal sense, though they were in a foreign country, in a strange land, and sojourners there, but in a spiritual and mystical sense; they were "strangers", not to God and Christ, and to the Spirit, to themselves, to the saints, and to all that is good, as they had formerly been, but to the world, the men of it, and the things in it; and therefore it became them to separate from it, and not conform to it; to abstain from all appearance of evil, to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts: and they were "pilgrims"; whose habit is Christ and his righteousness; whose food is Christ and his fulness; whose staff is Christ and the promises; whose guide is the blessed Spirit; the place for which they are bound is heaven, the better country, where is their Father's house, their friends, and their inheritance; this world not being their country, nor their resting place, it became them to have their conversation in heaven, and to

abstain from fleshly lusts;
which spring from the flesh, and are concerned about fleshly things, and are exercised in and by the members of the flesh, or body; hence, in the Syriac version, they are called, "the lusts of the body": these are to be abstained from; not that the apostle thought that they could be without them; for while the saints are in the body, flesh, or corrupt nature will be in them, and the lusts thereof; but then these are not to be indulged, or provision to be made for them, to fulfil them; they are not to be obeyed and served, or lived unto, but to be denied and crucified, being unsuitable to the character of strangers and pilgrims, and also because of their hurtful and pernicious nature:

which war against the soul;
see ( Romans 7:23 ) ( James 4:1 ) ( Song of Solomon 6:13 ) , these are enemies to the spiritual peace, comfort, and welfare of the soul; and being of a man's household, and in his heart, are the worst enemies he has; and are to be treated as such, to be shunned and avoided, watched and guarded against; for though they cannot destroy the souls of true believers, they may bring much leanness upon them, and greatly distress them, and spoil them of their inward joy, and spiritual pleasure.

1 Pedro 2:11 In-Context

9 Mas vós sois a geração eleita, o sacerdócio real, a nação santa, o povo adquirido, para que anuncieis as grandezas daquele que vos chamou das trevas para a sua maravilhosa luz;
10 vós que outrora nem éreis povo, e agora sois de Deus; vós que não tínheis alcançado misericórdia, e agora a tendes alcançado.
11 Amados, exorto-vos, como a peregrinos e forasteiros, que vos abstenhais das concupiscências da carne, as quais combatem contra a alma;
12 tendo o vosso procedimento correto entre os gentios, para que naquilo em que falam mal de vós, como de malfeitores, observando as vossas boas obras, glorifiquem a Deus no dia da visitação.
13 Sujeitai-vos a toda autoridade humana por amor do Senhor, quer ao rei, como soberano,
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