1 Samuel 2:4

4 Os arcos dos fortes estão quebrados, e os fracos são cingidos de força.

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1 Samuel 2:4 Meaning and Commentary

1 Samuel 2:4

The bows of the mighty men are broken
Hannah, from relating gracious experiences, and celebrating, the divine perfections of holiness, omniscience, and sovereignty, passes on to take notice of the dealings of God with men in providence and grace; bows are here put for all military arms, which men of might and war make use of, and which God can easily break in pieces, and so make war to cease in the earth, and hinder warlike men from doing what they design and attempt; they are enfeebled and weakened by him, and their hands cannot perform their enterprises: so the bows of Satan, and his principalities and powers, are broken, and his fiery darts are quenched, and the people of the Lord enabled to stand against him, and wrestle with him and them, being strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might, as it follows:

and they that stumbled are girt with strength;
who, through weakness, are ready to stumble at everything they meet with in the way; yet, being girded with strength by the Lord, are able to do great exploits, as David did, that being his case, ( Psalms 18:29 Psalms 18:32 ) , so such as are weak in grace, in faith, in knowledge, and ready to stumble at every trial and exercise, let it come from what quarter it will; yet being girded by the Lord with strength, are able to exercise grace, perform duty, go through every service they are called to, whether in a way of doing or suffering, to bear the yoke and cross of Christ, to oppose every enemy, to walk on in the ways of God, and to persevere in faith and holiness to the end.

1 Samuel 2:4 In-Context

2 Ninguém há santo como o Senhor; não há outro fora de ti; não há rocha como a nosso Deus.
3 Não faleis mais palavras tão altivas, nem saia da vossa boca a arrogância; porque o Senhor é o Deus da sabedoria, e por ele são pesadas as ações.
4 Os arcos dos fortes estão quebrados, e os fracos são cingidos de força.
5 Os que eram fartos se alugam por pão, e deixam de ter fome os que eram famintos; até a estéril teve sete filhos, e a que tinha muitos filhos enfraquece.
6 O Senhor é o que tira a vida e a dá; faz descer ao Seol e faz subir dali.
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