2 Coríntios 1:6

6 Mas, se somos atribulados, é para vossa consolação e salvação; ou, se somos consolados, para vossa consolação é a qual se opera suportando com paciência as mesmas aflições que nós também padecemos;

2 Coríntios 1:6 Meaning and Commentary

2 Corinthians 1:6

And whether we be afflicted it is for your consolation
The apostle repeats and explains the end of both his comforts and his troubles, and shows, by a dilemma, a strong way of arguing, that the afflictions and consolations, the adversity and prosperity of him, and the other ministers of the Gospel, were for the good of the saints: and it is as if he should say, when you see us continue to preach the Gospel with so much boldness and cheerfulness, amidst so many reproaches, afflictions, and persecutions, you must be the more established in the faith, and confirmed in the truth of the Gospel; and this cannot fail of ministering much peace, satisfaction, and comfort to your minds. This animates you to hold fast the rejoicing of your hope, and the profession of your faith firm unto the end; and with the greater cheerfulness and pleasure meet with, and endure afflictions yourselves for the sake of Christ, and his Gospel: nay, he says, that the afflictions of Christ's ministers were not only for their consolation, but also for their

salvation, which is effectual,
or is effectually wrought

or by

the enduring,
patient bearing,

of the same sufferings which we also suffer.
Not that the afflictions of the saints, or of others, and their patient enduring of them, are the cause of their salvation; for Christ is only the efficient cause, he is the sole author of spiritual and eternal salvation; but these are means the Spirit of God makes use of, as he does of the word and ordinances, to bring the saints to a satisfaction as to their interest in it, and are the ordinary way in which they are brought to the possession of it.

Or whether we be comforted it is for your consolation and salvation:
for whatsoever comfort God is pleased to communicate to us, it is not kept in our breasts, and for our own use, but we immediately and readily impart it to you, that you may share with us the advantage of it, and be comforted together with us; that your faith in the doctrine of salvation may be established, your hope of it increased, and that you may be more comfortably assured you are in the way to it, and shall enjoy it.

2 Coríntios 1:6 In-Context

4 que nos consola em toda a nossa tribulação, para que também possamos consolar os que estiverem em alguma tribulação, pela consolação com que nós mesmos somos consolados por Deus.
5 Porque, como as aflições de Cristo transbordam para conosco, assim também por meio de Cristo transborda a nossa consolação.
6 Mas, se somos atribulados, é para vossa consolação e salvação; ou, se somos consolados, para vossa consolação é a qual se opera suportando com paciência as mesmas aflições que nós também padecemos;
7 e a nossa esperança acerca de vós é firme, sabendo que, como sois participantes das aflições, assim o sereis também da consolação.
8 Porque não queremos, irmãos, que ignoreis a tribulação que nos sobreveio na Ásia, pois que fomos sobremaneira oprimidos acima das nossas forças, de modo tal que até da vida desesperamos;
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