2 Pedro 1:6

6 e � ciência o domínio próprio, e ao domínio próprio a perseverança, e � perseverança a piedade,

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2 Pedro 1:6 Meaning and Commentary

2 Peter 1:6

And to knowledge, temperance
Avoiding all excess in eating and drinking, and all impure and unclean lusts; for it signifies nothing what a man knows, or professes to know, if his life is a scene of intemperance and debauchery: this seems to be levelled against the followers or Simon Magus, who ascertained salvation to knowledge, though the life was ever so impure, Moreover, this may include abstinence, not only from hurtful lusts, but from the use of things indifferent, when the peace and comfort of a weak brother are endangered; for then to knowledge must be added love, otherwise that knowledge will not be right, at least not rightly used; see ( 1 Corinthians 8:1 1 Corinthians 8:2 1 Corinthians 8:7 1 Corinthians 8:10 1 Corinthians 8:11 ) ,

and to temperance, patience;
which is necessary to the running of the Christian race, which is attended with many difficulties and exercises; and under affliction from the hand of God, that there be no murmuring nor repining; and under reproaches and persecutions from men, that they faint not, and are not discouraged by them; and in the expectation of the heavenly glory: this is proper to be superadded to the former, because there may be intemperance in passion, as well as in the use of the creatures; a man may be inebriated with wrath and anger, and overcome with impatience, as well as with wine and strong drink:

and to patience, godliness;
either internal, which is distinguished from bodily exercise, or outward worship, and lies in the inward and powerful exercise of grace, as faith, hope, love, fear and the Syriac version here renders it, "the fear of God": or rather external, and intends the whole worship of God, as prayer, praise, hearing of the word, and attendance on all ordinances.

2 Pedro 1:6 In-Context

4 pelas quais ele nos tem dado as suas preciosas e grandíssimas promessas, para que por elas vos torneis participantes da natureza divina, havendo escapado da corrupção, que pela concupiscência há no mundo.
5 E por isso mesmo vós, empregando toda a diligência, acrescentai � vossa fé a virtude, e � virtude a ciência,
6 e � ciência o domínio próprio, e ao domínio próprio a perseverança, e � perseverança a piedade,
7 e � piedade a fraternidade, e � fraternidade o amor.
8 Porque, se em vós houver e abundarem estas coisas, elas não vos deixarão ociosos nem infrutíferos no pleno conhecimento de nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo.
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