2 Timóteo 4:5

5 Tu, porém, sê sóbrio em tudo, sofre as aflições, faze a obra de um evangelista, cumpre o teu ministério.

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2 Timóteo 4:5 Meaning and Commentary

2 Timothy 4:5

But watch thou in all things
Relating to himself, his doctrine, and conversation; and to others, to feed the flock of God under his care, to know the state of them, and care for them; to give the time of night, and notice of approaching danger, and see the laws of Christ put in execution; either in allusion to shepherds, who watch over their flocks night and day; or to watchmen that are upon the walls of cities, or go about them; or to the priests and Levites in the temple:

endure afflictions;
the Alexandrian copy adds, "as a good soldier of Jesus Christ", as in ( 2 Timothy 2:3 ) meaning reproaches and persecutions for the sake of the Gospel, from without, and all trials and exercises from within, through the infirmities and ill conduct of the saints themselves; all which are to be endured patiently, cheerfully, and courageously; so as not to be moved by them to desist from the work of the ministry:

do the work of an evangelist;
which may design either an officer, then in the church, distinct from apostles and prophets on the one hand, and pastors and teachers on the other; and was below the former, and above the latter; and was aiding and assisting to the apostles, and such an one Timothy may be thought to be: or it may intend a preacher of the Gospel in common; and to do the work of such an one is not to read lectures of morality, or to preach up justification and salvation by the works of the law; or to mix law and Gospel together, and confound them both; but to preach peace, pardon, righteousness, life, and salvation alone by Jesus Christ, and through the free grace of God:

make full proof of thy ministry:
the work of the ministry, which lies in preaching the Gospel, and administering ordinances, and doing all the duties belonging to it, which is to fulfil it, or discharge it; and which gives full proof of a man's being a true and faithful minister of the word; particularly when he diligently and constantly attends to his work; seeks not his own things, but the things of Christ; cheerfully and patiently suffers for Christ and his Gospel, and lives an agreeable life and conversation.

2 Timóteo 4:5 In-Context

3 Porque virá tempo em que não suportarão a sã doutrina; mas, tendo grande desejo de ouvir coisas agradáveis, ajuntarão para si mestres segundo os seus próprios desejos,
4 e não só desviarão os ouvidos da verdade, mas se voltarão �s fábulas.
5 Tu, porém, sê sóbrio em tudo, sofre as aflições, faze a obra de um evangelista, cumpre o teu ministério.
6 Quanto a mim, já estou sendo derramado como libação, e o tempo da minha partida está próximo.
7 Combati o bom combate, acabei a carreira, guardei a fé.
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