Apocalipse 4:11

11 Digno és, Senhor nosso e Deus nosso, de receber a glória e a honra e o poder; porque tu criaste todas as coisas, e por tua vontade existiram e foram criadas.

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Apocalipse 4:11 Meaning and Commentary

Revelation 4:11

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory honour, and
The Alexandrian copy, and some others, the Complutensian edition, the Vulgate Latin version, and all the Oriental ones, read, "thou art worthy, O Lord, and our God, to receive"; that is, to receive the acknowledgment and ascription of glory, honour, and power; for otherwise God cannot be said to receive these from his creatures, than by their confessing and declaring that they belong unto him: and that for the reasons following,

for thou hast created all things;
the whole universe, the heavens, the earth, and sea, and all that in them are:

and for thy pleasure they are and were created;
God is the first cause, and the last end of all things; by his power they are made, and according to his will, and for his own glory, and therefore is worthy of such a doxology; see ( Proverbs 16:4 ) ( Romans 11:36 ) . What is here said is contrary to a notion imbibed by the Jews F26, that the world was not created but for the sake of the Israelites: and elsewhere F1 they say,

``the world was not created but for David; and one says for Moses; and Rabbi Jochanan says for the Messiah;''

which last is truest.


F26 Zohar in Exod. fol. 6. 3. & Tzeror Hammor, fol. 109. 1. & 161. 3.
F1 T. Bab. Sanhedrin, fol. 98. 2.

Apocalipse 4:11 In-Context

9 E, sempre que os seres viventes davam glória e honra e ações de graças ao que estava assentado sobre o trono, ao que vive pelos séculos dos séculos,
10 os vinte e quatro anciãos prostravam-se diante do que estava assentado sobre o trono, e adoravam ao que vive pelos séculos dos séculos; e lançavam as suas coroas diante do trono, dizendo:
11 Digno és, Senhor nosso e Deus nosso, de receber a glória e a honra e o poder; porque tu criaste todas as coisas, e por tua vontade existiram e foram criadas.
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