Atos 15:36

36 Decorridos alguns dias, disse Paulo a Barnabé: Tornemos a visitar os irmãos por todas as cidades em que temos anunciado a palavra do Senhor, para ver como vão.

Atos 15:36 Meaning and Commentary

Acts 15:36

And some days after
That Judas was gone to Jerusalem, and which they had spent in teaching and preaching the word of the Lord at Antioch:

Paul said to Barnabas, let us go again and visit our brethren in
every city, where we have preached the word of the Lord, and see how
they do;
by the "brethren in every city", the apostle means the believers in Syria, Pamphylia, Pisidia, and Lycaonia; where he and Barnabas had preached the Gospel with success; where churches were planted and elders were ordained; of which an account is given in the two preceding chapters: and it may be observed, what an affection the apostle had for the young converts, and members of these churches; he calls them "brethren", they being partakers of the same grace, and of the same faith and family with himself, though they were not in the same office, nor had the same gifts; as also what care he took of them, and of those new planted churches: and which shows, that such are to be visited and looked after, and their cases inspected into; and inquiries should be made of them, how they do, how they go on; whether they continue in the faith, and grow in grace and in the knowledge of Christ; and whether they are lively in the exercise of the graces of faith, hope, love, humility, &c. and diligent and fervent in the discharge of duty; and this is a work becoming the ministers of the Gospel; and the example of the apostle is worthy of imitation.

Atos 15:36 In-Context

34 [Mas pareceu bem a Silas ficar ali.]
35 Mas Paulo e Barnabé demoraram-se em Antioquia, ensinando e pregando com muitos outros a palavra do Senhor.
36 Decorridos alguns dias, disse Paulo a Barnabé: Tornemos a visitar os irmãos por todas as cidades em que temos anunciado a palavra do Senhor, para ver como vão.
37 Ora, Barnabé queria que levassem também a João, chamado Marcos.
38 Mas a Paulo não parecia razoável que tomassem consigo aquele que desde a Panfília se tinha apartado deles e não os tinha acompanhado no trabalho.
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