Atos 18:7

7 E saindo dali, entrou em casa de um homem temente a Deus, chamado Tito Justo, cuja casa ficava junto da sinagoga.

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Atos 18:7 Meaning and Commentary

Acts 18:7

And he departed thence
. Not from Corinth, but from the synagogue:

and entered into a certain man's house named Justus;
he did not return to Aquila and Priscilla, because they were Jews, lest he should be thought not to abide by his words, that he would henceforth go to the Gentiles; wherefore as he came out of the synagogue, he turned into a house adjoining to it, which belonged to one Justus: in one copy of Beza's, and in some others, and in the Vulgate Latin version, he is called "Titus Justus"; and in the Arabic version, "Titus the son of Justus"; the Syriac version only reads "Titus": whether this is not the same Titus, who afterwards was a companion of the apostle, and to whom he wrote an epistle, may be inquired.

One that worshipped God;
a Gentile, but a religious man, such an one as Cornelius: he might be a proselyte either of the gate, or of righteousness; though if he was the same with Titus, he could not be the latter, because he was not circumcised, ( Galatians 2:3 ) whose house joined hard to the synagogue; had this man been a Jew, his house might very well have been taken for the house which was (tonkh tybl Kwmo) , "near to the synagogue", in which travellers were entertained, and ate, and drank, and lodged F9; and that he was the person appointed to take care of them, and so a very suitable house for Paul, a stranger, to take up his lodging in. The Ethiopic version adds, very wrongly, taking it from the beginning of the next verse, "because he was the ruler of the synagogue"; as if Justus was the ruler of the synagogue; and this the reason why his house was so near; whereas not he, but Crispus, was the ruler, as follows.


F9 Vid. Maggid Misna in Maimon. Hilchot Sabbat, c. 29. sect. 3. & Gloss. in T. Bab. Pesachim, fol. 10. 1. & in Bava Bathra, fol. 3. 2.

Atos 18:7 In-Context

5 Quando Silas e Timóteo desceram da Macedônia, Paulo dedicou- se inteiramente � palavra, testificando aos judeus que Jesus era o Cristo.
6 Como estes, porém, se opusessem e proferissem injúrias, sacudiu ele as vestes e disse-lhes: O vosso sangue seja sobre a vossa cabeça; eu estou limpo, e desde agora vou para os gentios.
7 E saindo dali, entrou em casa de um homem temente a Deus, chamado Tito Justo, cuja casa ficava junto da sinagoga.
8 Crispo, chefe da sinagoga, creu no Senhor com toda a sua casa; e muitos dos coríntios, ouvindo, criam e eram batizados.
9 E de noite disse o Senhor em visão a Paulo: Não temas, mas fala e não te cales;
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