Atos 20:3

3 Depois de passar ali três meses, visto terem os judeus armado uma cilada contra ele quando ia embarcar para a Síria, determinou voltar pela Macedônia.

Atos 20:3 Meaning and Commentary

Acts 20:3

And there abode three months
In Greece:

and when the Jews laid wait for him, as he was about to sail into
from some part of Greece, in order to go to Jerusalem; which the Jews in the parts of Greece understanding, laid wait for him, either by sea or land, with an intention either to take the money from him, which he had collected in Macedonia, and in Greece, for the poor saints at Jerusalem, or to take away his life, or both; of which lying in wait for him, the apostle had some notice, either by divine revelation, or from somebody who was in the secret, or had got knowledge of it from such as were: upon which he

purposed to return through Macedonia;
through which he came from Ephesus to Greece: this wicked design being made known to him, obliged him, in point of prudence, and both for his own safety, and the good of the churches, to alter his scheme, and steer his course another way, to the disappointment of his enemies; in which the wisdom of providence, the care of God over his ministers, and his concern for his churches manifestly appeared.

Atos 20:3 In-Context

1 Depois que cessou o alvoroço, Paulo mandou chamar os discípulos e, tendo-os exortado, despediu-se e partiu para a Macedônia.
2 E, havendo andado por aquelas regiões, exortando os discípulos com muitas palavras, veio � Grécia.
3 Depois de passar ali três meses, visto terem os judeus armado uma cilada contra ele quando ia embarcar para a Síria, determinou voltar pela Macedônia.
4 Acompanhou-o Sópater de Beréia, filho de Pirro; bem como dos de Tessalônica, Aristarco e Segundo; Gaio de Derbe e Timóteo; e dos da Ásia, Tíquico e Trófimo.
5 Estes porém, foram adiante e nos esperavam em Trôade.
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