Atos 6:8

8 Ora, Estêvão, cheio de graça e poder, fazia prodígios e grandes sinais entre o povo.

Atos 6:8 Meaning and Commentary

Acts 6:8

And Stephen, full of faith and power
The historian proceeds to give a narrative of Stephen particularly, the first of the seven deacons; of his faith and miracles, of his elocution and wisdom, of his courage and intrepidity, of his constancy, and of his suffering martyrdom. He is said to be full of faith, as before, ( Acts 6:5 ) the Alexandrian copy, and four of Beza's copies read, "full of grace"; and so do the Vulgate Latin and Syriac versions; the Ethiopic version reads, "full of the grace of God": he had an uncommon share of it; it was exceeding abundant in him; he had a sufficiency of it for the service and sufferings he was called to: and he was full of power to preach the Gospel, and teach it the people, which he did with authority; to defend it, and oppose the adversaries of it; to bear reproach and indignities for it, and even death itself; and to do miraculous works for the confirmation of it, as follows:

did great wonders and miracles among the people;
openly before them, such as speaking with divers tongues, healing diseases, casting out devils

Atos 6:8 In-Context

6 e os apresentaram perante os apóstolos; estes, tendo orado, lhes impuseram as mãos.
7 E divulgava-se a palavra de Deus, de sorte que se multiplicava muito o número dos discípulos em Jerusalém e muitos sacerdotes obedeciam � fé.
8 Ora, Estêvão, cheio de graça e poder, fazia prodígios e grandes sinais entre o povo.
9 Levantaram-se, porém, alguns que eram da sinagoga chamada dos libertos, dos cireneus, dos alexandrinos, dos da Cilícia e da Ásia, e disputavam com Estêvão;
10 e não podiam resistir � sabedoria e ao Espírito com que falava.
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