Daniel 7:19

19 Então tive desejo de conhecer a verdade a respeito do quarto animal, que era diferente de todos os outros, sobremodo terrível, com dentes de ferro e unhas de bronze; o qual devorava, fazia em pedaços, e pisava aos pés o que sobrava;

Daniel 7:19 Meaning and Commentary

Daniel 7:19

Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast;
&c.] What it represented, what kingdom or monarchy was meant by it; for, by the above answer of the angel, he understood the four beasts signified four kings or kingdoms; the three first he pretty well understood; at least he was not so solicitous about them as about the fourth; and this he was desirous of having a very particular and exact account of; it threatening, by its appearance, a great deal of trouble to the world, and especially to the church of God: which was diverse from all the others;
or, "from all them", or "those" {h}, the other three beasts: exceeding dreadful;
to other kingdoms and nations: whose teeth were of iron;
of these parts of its description, see on ( Daniel 7:7 ) , and his nails of brass;
this is a new circumstance, not before mentioned, and here added with great propriety: "nails" belonging to a beast of prey, and these said to be of "brass", to denote its strength, cruelty, and voraciousness in tearing its prey, to pieces; and, moreover, to show that this kingdom has somewhat of the nature of the third or Grecian monarchy, said to be of brass in Nebuchadnezzar's dream; some out of that kingdom being taken into the Roman militia, as, Theodoret observes; and soldiers are to a king what nails are to a beast: which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet;
some kingdoms and provinces were destroyed by it, and the rest were made subject to it; see ( Daniel 7:7 ) .


F8 (Nyhlk Nm) "a cunctis ipse", Pagninus, Montanus; "ab omnibus illis", Junius & Tremellius, Piscator.

Daniel 7:19 In-Context

17 Estes grandes animais, que são quatro, são quatro reis, que se levantarão da terra.
18 Mas os santos do Altíssimo receberão o reino e o possuirão para todo o sempre, sim, para todo o sempre.
19 Então tive desejo de conhecer a verdade a respeito do quarto animal, que era diferente de todos os outros, sobremodo terrível, com dentes de ferro e unhas de bronze; o qual devorava, fazia em pedaços, e pisava aos pés o que sobrava;
20 e também a respeito dos dez chifres que ele tinha na cabeça, e do outro que subiu e diante do qual caíram três, isto é, daquele chifre que tinha olhos, e uma boca que falava grandes coisas, e parecia ser mais robusto do que os seus companheiros.
21 Enquanto eu olhava, eis que o mesmo chifre fazia guerra contra os santos, e prevalecia contra eles,
The Almeida Atualizada is in the public domain.