Deuteronômio 12:9

9 Porque até agora não entrastes no descanso e na herança que o Senhor vosso Deus vos dá;

Deuteronômio 12:9 Meaning and Commentary

Deuteronomy 12:9

For ye are not yet come to the rest
The land of Canaan, which was typical of the rest which remains for the people of God in heaven; for though they now enter into a spiritual rest in Christ, they are not yet come to their eternal rest; they are in a world of trouble, through sin, Satan, and wicked men; but they shall come to it, as Israel did to Canaan; for God has promised and prepared it, and it remains for them; Christ prayed for it, is also gone to prepare it, and the Spirit is the seal and earnest of it, and works up the saints, and makes them meet for it:

and to the inheritance which the Lord your God giveth you;
and the land of Canaan being an inheritance, and the gift of God, was also a type of the heavenly inheritance; which saints are now born unto, and have both a right unto, and meetness for, through the righteousness of Christ, and grace of God; but as yet are not entered on it, but that is reserved for them in heaven, and they are preserved and kept for that; and ere long shall inherit it, as the free gift of God their Father to them, and which is peculiar to them as children. Jarchi and Ben Melech by the "rest" understand Shiloh, and by the inheritance Jerusalem; so in the Misnah F6; see ( 1 Chronicles 23:25 ) the Targum of Jonathan is,

``ye are not come to the house of the sanctuary, which is the house of rest, and to the inheritance of the land.''


F6 Zebachim, c. 14. sect. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. & Bartenora in ib.

Deuteronômio 12:9 In-Context

7 e ali comereis perante o Senhor vosso Deus, e vos alegrareis, vós e as vossas casas, em tudo em que puserdes a vossa mão, no que o Senhor vosso Deus vos tiver abençoado.
8 Não fareis conforme tudo o que hoje fazemos aqui, cada qual tudo o que bem lhe parece aos olhos.
9 Porque até agora não entrastes no descanso e na herança que o Senhor vosso Deus vos dá;
10 mas quando passardes o Jordão, e habitardes na terra que o senhor vosso Deus vos faz herdar, ele vos dará repouso de todos os vossos inimigos em redor, e morareis seguros.
11 Então haverá um lugar que o Senhor vosso Deus escolherá para ali fazer habitar o seu nome; a esse lugar trareis tudo o que eu vos ordeno: os vossos holocaustos e sacrifícios, os vossos dízimos, a oferta alçada da vossa mão, e tudo o que de melhor oferecerdes ao Senhor em cumprimento dos votos que fizerdes.
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