Eclesiastes 5:6

6 Não consintas que a tua boca faça pecar a tua carne, nem digas na presença do anjo que foi erro; por que razão se iraria Deus contra a tua voz, e destruiria a obra das tuas mãos?

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Eclesiastes 5:6 Meaning and Commentary

Ecclesiastes 5:6

Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin
That is, himself, who is corrupt and depraved; either by making a rash vow, which it is not in his power to keep; or such is the corruption of his nature, and the weakness of the flesh, that he cannot keep it; or by making sinful excuses after he has made the vow, and so is guilty of lying, or false swearing, or other sins of the flesh. Jarchi by "flesh" understands his children, on whom his iniquity may be visited and punished; and the Targum interprets this punishment of the judgment or condemnation of hell; see ( Proverbs 20:25 ) ; neither say thou before the angel that it [was] an error;
that it was done ignorantly and through mistake: that it was not intended, and that this was not the meaning of the vow; and therefore desires to be excused performing it, or to offer a sacrifice in lieu of it. Interpreters are divided about the angel before whom such an excuse should not be made. Some think angel is put for angels in general, in whose presence, and before whom, as witnesses, vows are made; and who were signified by the cherubim in the sanctuary, where they were to be performed, and who are present in the worshipping assemblies of saints, where these things are done, ( 1 Timothy 5:21 ) ( 1 Corinthians 11:10 ) ; others think the guardian angel is meant, which they suppose every man has; and others that Christ, the Angel of the covenant, is designed, who is in the midst of his people, sees and knows all that is done by them, and will not admit of their excuses; but it is most probable the priest is intended, called the angel, or messenger, of the Lord of hosts, ( Malachi 2:7 ) ; to whom such who had made vows applied to be loosed from them, acknowledging their error in making them; or to offer sacrifice for their sin of ignorance, ( Leviticus 5:4 Leviticus 5:5 ) ; wherefore should God be angry at thy voice;
either in making a rash and sinful vow, or in excusing that which was made; and destroy the work of thine hands?
wrought with success, for which the vow was made; and so, instead of its succeeding, is destroyed, and comes to nothing. Vows made by the Jews were chiefly about their houses, or fields, or cattle; see ( Leviticus 27:28 ) ; and so the destruction suggested may signify the curse that God would bring upon any of these, for excusing or not performing the vow made.

Eclesiastes 5:6 In-Context

4 Quando a Deus fizeres algum voto, não tardes em cumpri-lo; porque não se agrada de tolos. O que votares, paga-o.
5 Melhor é que não votes do que votares e nao pagares.
6 Não consintas que a tua boca faça pecar a tua carne, nem digas na presença do anjo que foi erro; por que razão se iraria Deus contra a tua voz, e destruiria a obra das tuas mãos?
7 Porque na multidão dos sonhos há vaidades e muitas palavras; mas tu teme a Deus.
8 Se vires em alguma província opressão de pobres, e a perversão violenta do direito e da justiça, não te maravilhes de semelhante caso. Pois quem está altamente colocado tem superior que o vigia; e há mais altos ainda sobre eles.
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