Ester 6:2

2 E achou-se escrito que Mardoqueu tinha denunciado Bigtã e Teres, dois dos eunucos do rei, guardas da porta, que tinham procurado tirar a vida ao rei Assuero.

Ester 6:2 Meaning and Commentary

Esther 6:2

And it was found written
Upon reading, and in which there was also a peculiar hand of Providence, directing to the reading of that part of them in which the affair of Mordecai was registered: and if what the latter Targum says is true, it was the more remarkable, that when Shimshai the scribe, who was ordered to bring the book and read, and who, according to the former Targum, was Haman's son, seeing what was recorded of Mordecai, turned over the leaves of the book, being unwilling to read it; but the leaves rolled back again, and he was obliged to read it:

that Mordecai had told of Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king's
chamberlains, the keepers of the door, who sought to lay hand on
the King Ahasuerus;
see ( Esther 2:21 ) , and it was usual in such diaries to record the names of persons, who, by any actions, had deserved well of the king, that they might be rewarded as there was an opportunity for it; and such, in the Persian language, were called Orosangae, as Herodotus relates F15.


F15 Urania, sive, l. 8. c. 85.

Ester 6:2 In-Context

1 Naquela mesma noite fugiu do rei o sono; então ele mandou trazer o livro de registro das crônicas, as quais se leram diante do rei.
2 E achou-se escrito que Mardoqueu tinha denunciado Bigtã e Teres, dois dos eunucos do rei, guardas da porta, que tinham procurado tirar a vida ao rei Assuero.
3 E o rei perguntou: Que honra, ou dignidade, foi conferida a Mardoqueu por Isso? Responderam os moços do rei que o serviam: Coisa nenhuma se lhe fez.
4 Então disse o rei: Quem está no pátio? Ora, Hamã acabara de entrar no pátio exterior do palácio real para falar com o rei, a fim de que se enforcasse Mardoqueu na forca que lhe tinha preparado.
5 E os servos do rei lhe responderam: Eis que Hamã está esperando no pátio. E disse o rei que entrasse.
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