Ezequiel 17:7

7 Houve ainda outra grande águia, de grandes asas, e cheia de penas; e eis que também esta videira lançou para ela as suas raizes, e estendeu para ela os seus ramos desde as aréolas em que estava plantada, para que ela a regasse.

Ezequiel 17:7 Meaning and Commentary

Ezekiel 17:7

There was also another great eagle
Hophra king of Egypt, a very powerful prince, whom Herodotus F21 calls Apries; and says he was the most happy and fortunate, after Psammitichus, of all the kings that were before; though not so mighty as the king of Babylon; therefore all the same things are not said of the one as of the other: with great wings and many feathers:
had large dominions, but not go extensive as the former, and therefore is not said to be "longwinged" as he; and had "many feathers", but not "full" of them, nor had it such a variety; he had many people, and much wealth, and a large army, but not equal to the king of Babylon: and, behold, this vine did bend her roots towards him;
Zedekiah, and the people of the Jews under him; inclined to an alliance with the king of Egypt, and gave him some private intimations of it: and shot forth her branches towards him;
sent ambassadors to acquaint him with it, ( Ezekiel 17:15 ) ; that he might water it by the furrows of her plantation;
Nebuchadnezzar had planted this vine, and made furrows for the watering of it, and by his means it was become prosperous and flourishing; but Zedekiah, not content with the greatness and glory he had raised him to, sought to the king of Egypt to help him with horses and people, in order to free himself from subjection to the king of Babylon, and to increase his lustre and glory: the allusion is thought to be to the trenches and canals of the river Nile, by which the land of Egypt was watered: the words may be rendered, "out of the rivulets of her plantation" F23 which best agrees with watering.


F21 L. 2. sive Euterpe, c. 161.
F23 (hejm twgrem) "ex rivulis [loci in quo] plantata est", Gussetius, p. 642. such as run between beds in gardens, of which this word is sometimes used; hence some render it "ex areolis", Vatablus, Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Polanus, so Ben Melech; or ditches and canals, such as were made out of the river Nile to water the land; "a fossa plantarii sui", Texelius, ut supra, p. 209.

Ezequiel 17:7 In-Context

5 Também tomou da semente da terra, e a lançou num solo frutífero; pô-la junto a muitas águas; e plantou-a como salgueiro.
6 E brotou, e tornou-se numa videira larga, de pouca altura, virando-se para ela os seus ramos, e as suas raízes estavam debaixo dela. Tornou-se numa videira, e produzia sarmentos, e lançava renovos.
7 Houve ainda outra grande águia, de grandes asas, e cheia de penas; e eis que também esta videira lançou para ela as suas raizes, e estendeu para ela os seus ramos desde as aréolas em que estava plantada, para que ela a regasse.
8 Numa boa terra, junto a muitas águas, estava ela plantada, para produzir ramos, e para dar fruto, a fim de que fosse videira excelente.
9 Dize: Assim diz o Senhor Deus: Acaso prosperará ela? Não lhe arrancará a águia as raízes, e não lhe cortará o fruto, para que se seque? para que se sequem todas as folhas de seus renovos? Não será necessário nem braço forte, nem muita gente, para arrancá-la pelas raízes.
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