Ezequiel 34:15

15 Eu mesmo apascentarei as minhas ovelhas, e eu as farei repousar, diz o Senhor Deus.

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Ezequiel 34:15 Meaning and Commentary

Ezekiel 34:15

I will feed my flock
This is repeated for the further confirmation of it, that it might be depended upon that the Lord would feed his people in the manner before promised; and it gives a reason why he would do it, because they were his flock; he had a right unto them, a property in them; they were separated and distinguished from others by him, as the church of God is; and which is also purchased by Christ, and gathered out of the world by his Spirit and grace; and therefore he will feed them, or take care that they shall be fed, ( Acts 20:28 ) : and I will cause them to lie down, saith the Lord;
in the good fold provided for them; where they have both rest and safety, and also plenty of suitable food; (See Gill on Ezekiel 34:14). The Targum is,

``I will govern my people, and will cause them to dwell safely, saith the Lord God;''
The Septuagint and Arabic versions add, "and they shall know that I am the Lord".

Ezequiel 34:15 In-Context

13 Sim, tirá-las-ei para fora dos povos, e as congregarei dos países, e as introduzirei na sua terra, e as apascentarei sobre os montes de Israel, junto �s correntes d'água, e em todos os lugares habitados da terra.
14 Em bons pastos as apascentarei, e nos altos montes de Israel será o seu curral; deitar-se-ão ali num bom curral, e pastarão em pastos gordos nos montes de Israel.
15 Eu mesmo apascentarei as minhas ovelhas, e eu as farei repousar, diz o Senhor Deus.
16 A perdida buscarei, e a desgarrada tornarei a trazer; a quebrada ligarei, e a enferma fortalecerei; e a gorda e a forte vigiarei. Apascentá-las-ei com justiça.
17 Quanto a vós, ó ovelhas minhas, assim diz o Senhor Deus: Eis que eu julgarei entre ovelhas e ovelhas, entre carneiros e bodes.
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