Ezequiel 34:26

26 E delas e dos lugares ao redor do meu outeiro farei uma bênção; e farei descer a chuva a seu tempo; chuvas de bênçãos serão.

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Ezequiel 34:26 Meaning and Commentary

Ezekiel 34:26

And I will make them, and the places round about my hill, a
Alluding either to the city of Jerusalem, and the places adjacent; or to the temple, and the houses about it. So the Targum,

``I will cause them to dwell round about the house of my sanctuary;''
and so Kimchi interprets it of the temple. Some Christian interpreters, by the "hill" or mountain, understand Christ; and not amiss; who may be compared to one for height; he being higher than the kings of the earth, or than the heavens and angels there, as man and Mediator; as well as is God over all, blessed for ever; and for fruitfulness, from whom the saints have all theirs, either in grace or good works; and for shade, he being the shadow of a great rock in a weary land; which yields delight and refreshment, and is a protection from the heat of a fiery law, flaming justice, the wrath of God and man, and the fiery darts of Satan; and for shelter and security, there being salvation in him, when none in other hills and mountains; and for duration and immovableness, being the same today, yesterday, and for ever: and now the persons about him are such who are made nigh by his blood; brought to him by his powerful and efficacious grace; are worshippers about the throne where he sits; such as cleave to him, and follow him wherever he goes, and shall be with him to all eternity; these he makes a blessing, or most blessed. So the Targum renders it,
``and they shall be blessed;''
they are blessed in Christ their head; they are blessed through him as their Redeemer and Saviour, who was made a curse for them; they are blessed through being in him, and by the imputation of blessings to them from him, and through the application of them by his Spirit; their persons are blessed, and so are the places or habitations where they dwell: or rather this may be understood of the church of God, often compared to a hill for its height and eminence; for its fertility and fruitfulness; for its stability and firmness; and in allusion to the hill of Zion for its holiness, and being the place of the divine residence; see ( Psalms 15:1 ) ( 24:4 ) ( Psalms 68:15 Psalms 68:16 ) now, the persons about this hill are those who are come to Mount Zion the church of God; being brought there by the Lord himself, and who take up their abode there; who lie about this hill, as flocks of sheep, in their several folds or congregated churches; see ( Jeremiah 23:3 ) ( 33:13 ) and these the Lord makes a blessing to one another, by their spiritual conversation, prayers, and services of love; and to the world, to kingdoms and states, to cities, towns, and neighbourhoods, and to particular families, where they are placed; and even to the world in general; for they are the light, stay, and stability of it; and without which it would be in darkness, corrupt and putrefy, and not continue long: and I will cause the shower to come down in his season;
which, in the spiritual sense, may design the Gospel; which, like a shower of rain, comes from God; descends from heaven; is a gift of God; which falls according to divine direction; refreshes, revives, and makes fruitful; brings a plenty of divine blessings with it; and comes in season, at its proper time; and is a word in season to weary souls: there shall be showers of blessings;
which the Gospel brings with it; spiritual blessings, blessings of grace; such as peace, pardon, righteousness, and eternal life: these, like showers, come from God; are free grace gifts of his, of which there is a large abundance; and which descend on Mount Zion the church of God; which is another Gerizim, on which the blessings are pronounced, ( Psalms 133:3 ) ( Isaiah 55:10 Isaiah 55:11 ) ( Zechariah 10:1 ) .

Ezequiel 34:26 In-Context

24 E eu, o Senhor, serei o seu Deus, e o meu servo Davi será príncipe no meio delas; eu, o Senhor, o disse.
25 Farei com elas um pacto de paz; e removerei da terra os animais ruins, de sorte que elas habitarão em segurança no deserto, e dormirão nos bosques.
26 E delas e dos lugares ao redor do meu outeiro farei uma bênção; e farei descer a chuva a seu tempo; chuvas de bênçãos serão.
27 E as árvores do campo darão o seu fruto, e a terra dará a sua novidade, e estarão seguras na sua terra; saberão que eu sou o Senhor, quando eu quebrar os canzis do seu jugo e as livrar da mão dos que se serviam delas.
28 Pois não servirão mais de presa aos gentios, nem as devorarão mais os animais da terra; mas habitarão seguramente, e ninguém haverá que as espante.
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