Ezequiel 45:15

15 e um cordeiro do rebanho, de cada duzentos, de todas as famílias de Israel, para oferta de cereais, e para holocausto, e para oferta pacífica, para que façam expiação por eles, diz o Senhor Deus.

Ezequiel 45:15 Meaning and Commentary

Ezekiel 45:15

And one lamb out of the flock, out of two hundred
As provision is before made for bread and oil, so here for meat for the servants of the Lord: if a man had two hundred lambs in his flock, one of them was to be given to them; it may be observed, that this plainly refers to times when the Mosaic dispensation should be abrogated; not tithes of all things are to be given to the priests, as heretofore; only the sixtieth part of wheat and barley, the hundredth part of oil, and but one lamb of two hundred; and which denotes the moderate maintenance of Gospel ministers, with which they should be contented, and the people should not grudge to give; nothing extraordinary or extravagant being required of them: this lamb was to be taken out of the fat pastures of Israel;
or, out of the watery places F3; out of those fields which were well watered, and produced good pasture, which fattened the sheep and lambs that were fed in them; and denotes that the best of the kind is to be given to the Lord, and to his servants, or for the support of his interest; not the lean and the lame, the halt and the blind, ( Malachi 1:8 Malachi 1:14 ) : for a meat offering, and for a burnt offering, and for peace offerings;
not that the lamb was given for all these; but the wheat and the oil for the meat offering, and the lamb for the burnt offering and peace offerings. The sense may be, that this provision of wheat and barley, oil and lambs, or the sufficient maintenance signified by them, was in the room of the meat offering, burnt offerings, and peace offerings, which fell to the share of the priests under the legal dispensation: to make reconciliation for them, saith the Lord God;
either to this end, that the ministers of the Gospel, who have the word of reconciliation committed to them, might cheerfully and faithfully dispense it to the people; or that they, by these liberal and generous contributions of theirs to the maintenance of them, might testify that they have truly by faith received the atonement by the sacrifice of Christ.


F3 (hqvmm) "de irriguo", Montanus, Vatablus; "ex irriguis pascuis", Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Polanus.

Ezequiel 45:15 In-Context

13 Esta será a oferta que haveis de fazer: a sexta parte duma efa de cada hômer de trigo; também dareis a sexta parte duma efa de cada hômer de cevada;
14 quanto � porção fixa do azeite, de cada bato de azeite oferecereis a décima parte do bato tirado dum coro, que é dez batos, a saber, um hômer; pois dez batos fazem um hômer;
15 e um cordeiro do rebanho, de cada duzentos, de todas as famílias de Israel, para oferta de cereais, e para holocausto, e para oferta pacífica, para que façam expiação por eles, diz o Senhor Deus.
16 Todo o povo da terra fará esta contribuição ao príncipe de Israel.
17 Tocará ao príncipe dar os holocaustos, as ofertas de cereais e as libações, nas festas, nas luas novas e nos sábados, em todas as festas fixas da casa de Israel. Ele proverá a oferta pelo pecado, a oferta de cereais, o holocausto e as ofertas pacíficas, para fazer expiação pela casa de Israel.
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