Gênesis 24:61

61 Assim Rebeca se levantou com as suas moças e, montando nos camelos, seguiram o homem; e o servo, tomando a Rebeca, partiu.

Images for Gênesis 24:61

Gênesis 24:61 Meaning and Commentary

Genesis 24:61

And Rebekah arose, and her damsels
Her maids that were given her by her parents to wait upon her, as was usual in those times and countries: and they rode upon the camels;
that Abraham's servant had brought with him: and followed the man;
who rode before and directed the way; the sense is only, that she went along with him: and the servant took Rebekah, and went his way;
took her under his care, and to be the wife of his master's son, at the hands of her friends, and then set forward on his journey.

Gênesis 24:61 In-Context

59 Então despediram a Rebeca, sua irmã, e � sua ama e ao servo de Abraão e a seus homens;
60 e abençoaram a Rebeca, e disseram-lhe: Irmã nossa, sê tu a mãe de milhares de miríades, e possua a tua descendência a porta de seus aborrecedores!
61 Assim Rebeca se levantou com as suas moças e, montando nos camelos, seguiram o homem; e o servo, tomando a Rebeca, partiu.
62 Ora, Isaque tinha vindo do caminho de Beer-Laai-Rói; pois habitava na terra do Negebe.
63 Saíra Isaque ao campo � tarde, para meditar; e levantando os olhos, viu, e eis que vinham camelos.
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