Habacuque 1:6

6 Pois eis que suscito os caldeus, essa nação feroz e impetuosa, que marcha sobre a largura da terra para se apoderar de moradas que nao sao suas.

Habacuque 1:6 Meaning and Commentary

Habakkuk 1:6

For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans
A people still of late mean and low, famous only for their soothsaying, divination, and judicial astrology; but now become a powerful and warlike people, rising up under the permission of Providence to universal monarchy, and who would quickly add Judea to the rest of their dominions: [that] bitter and hasty nation;
a cruel and merciless people in their temper and disposition: "bitter" against the people of God and true religion, and causing bitterness, calamities, and distress, wherever they came: "hasty" and precipitate in their determinations; swift and nimble in their motions; active and vigorous in the prosecution of their designs: which shall march through the breadth of the land;
or "breadths of the land" F20; through the whole world, as they were attempting to do, having subdued Syria, all Asia, and great part of Africa, through which they boldly marched, bearing down all opposition that was in their way; or through the breadth of the land of Judea, taking all the fenced cities as they went along, and Jerusalem the metropolis of it; see ( Isaiah 8:7 Isaiah 8:8 ) : to possess the dwellingplaces [that are] not theirs;
the cities of Judea, and houses in them, as well as the palaces and dwellingplaces in Jerusalem, which they had no right unto, but what they got by the sword; what were the legal possessions and inheritances of others from father to son for ages past, these the Chaldeans would dispossess them of; and not only take them, and the spoil and plunder of them, for the present, but retain them in their possession, as an inheritance to be transmitted to their posterity. This may have some respect to the length of the captivity of the Jews, and their land being in the hands of their enemies for the space of seventy years.


F20 (Ura ybxrml) "latitudines terrae", Montanus, Junius & Tremellius, Piscator.

Habacuque 1:6 In-Context

4 Por esta causa a lei se afrouxa, e a justiça nunca se manifesta; porque o ímpio cerca o justo, de sorte que a justiça é pervertida.
5 Vede entre as nações, e olhai; maravilhai-vos e admirai-vos; porque realizo em vossos dias uma obra, que vós não acreditareis, quando vos for contada.
6 Pois eis que suscito os caldeus, essa nação feroz e impetuosa, que marcha sobre a largura da terra para se apoderar de moradas que nao sao suas.
7 Ela é terrível e espantosa; dela mesma sai o seu juízo e a sua dignidade.
8 Os seis cavalos são mais ligeiros do que os leopardos, se mais ferozes do que os lobos a tarde; os seus cavaleiros espalham-se por toda a parte; sim, os seus cavaleiros vêm de longe; voam como a águia que se apressa a devorar.
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