Hebreus 10:18

18 Ora, onde há remissão destes, não há mais oferta pelo pecado.

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Hebreus 10:18 Meaning and Commentary

Hebrews 10:18

Now where remission of these is
That is, of these sins; and that there is remission of them, is evident from this promise of the covenant, just now produced; from God's gracious proclamation of it; from the shedding of Christ's blood for it; from his exaltation at the Father's right hand to give it; from the Gospel declaration of it; and from the several instances of persons favoured with it:

there is no more offering for sin;
there may be other offerings, as of praise and thanksgiving, but none for sin; "there is no need", as the Syriac version; or there is not required, as the Arabic version; there is no need of the reiteration of Christ's sacrifice, nor will he be offered up any more, nor of the repetition of legal sacrifices, nor ought they to continue any longer. The Jews themselves say F23, that

``in the time to come (i.e. in the times of the Messiah) all offerings shall cease, but the sacrifice of praise.''

And one of their writers says F24, when

``the King Messiah, the son of David, shall reign, there will be no need of (hrpk) , "an atonement", nor of deliverance, or prosperity, for all these things will be had;''


F23 Vajikra Rabba, sect. 9. fol. 153. 1.
F24 R. Abendana Not. in Miclol Yophi in Psal. lxxii. 20.

Hebreus 10:18 In-Context

16 Este é o pacto que farei com eles depois daqueles dias, diz o Senhor: Porei as minhas leis em seus corações, e as escreverei em seu entendimento; acrescenta:
17 E não me lembrarei mais de seus pecados e de suas iniqüidades.
18 Ora, onde há remissão destes, não há mais oferta pelo pecado.
19 Tendo pois, irmãos, ousadia para entrarmos no santíssimo lugar, pelo sangue de Jesus,
20 pelo caminho que ele nos inaugurou, caminho novo e vivo, através do véu, isto é, da sua carne,

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