Hebreus 10:27

27 mas uma expectação terrível de juízo, e um ardor de fogo que há de devorar os adversários.

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Hebreus 10:27 Meaning and Commentary

Hebrews 10:27

But a certain fearful looking for of judgment
Either of some outward visible judgment in this life, which sometimes falls on such persons; or of the particular judgment which immediately follows after death; or of the universal judgment, after the resurrection, and the dreadful sentence of condemnation which will then pass, and be immediately executed; and which will be done by Christ, and according to truth, and in strict justice; it is certain, and there will be no escaping it, for it will be general. Now there is in this life an expectation in men of a future judgment, and in wicked men it is a fearful one; it is dreaded by them, and more especially in such men before described, when their consciences are awakened; it is a very dreadful one, inexpressibly so:

and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries;
which is to be understood, not of the fire of purgatory, for this is after judgment, that is pretended to be before it; this devours, that only purges, according to the Papists; this is for adversaries, that, as is supposed, is for friends: but perhaps some fiery judgment, expressive of the wrath and indignation of God, such as befell Sodom and Gomorrah, the two sons of Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and the men that rose up with Korah against Moses and Aaron: or rather the fire of hell, which is not corporeal and material, but is the wrath of God let down into the conscience; which shows the vile nature of sin, the strictness of God's justice, and the intolerableness of future punishment: and this is said to "devour the adversaries"; not only open ones, but secret, underhanded enemies, as the word here signifies; as such apostates are, before described, to God, and Christ, and the Spirit; to the Gospel, its doctrine, discipline, and ordinances; and to the children of God, and to the power of godliness in them: and with the fire of God's wrath they shall be devoured; not so as to be annihilated, but shall be eternally destroyed, both soul and body; that is, everlastingly punished, or punished with everlasting destruction.

Hebreus 10:27 In-Context

25 não abandonando a nossa congregação, como é costume de alguns, antes admoestando-nos uns aos outros; e tanto mais, quanto vedes que se vai aproximando aquele dia.
26 Porque se voluntariamente continuarmos no pecado, depois de termos recebido o pleno conhecimento da verdade, já não resta mais sacrifício pelos pecados,
27 mas uma expectação terrível de juízo, e um ardor de fogo que há de devorar os adversários.
28 Havendo alguém rejeitado a lei de Moisés, morre sem misericórdia, pela palavra de duas ou três testemunhas;
29 de quanto maior castigo cuidais vós será julgado merecedor aquele que pisar o Filho de Deus, e tiver por profano o sangue do pacto, com que foi santificado, e ultrajar ao Espírito da graça?
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