Isaías 25:7

7 E destruirá neste monte a coberta que cobre todos os povos, e o véu que está posto sobre todas as nações.

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Isaías 25:7 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 25:7

And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the
covering cast over all people
Or, "the covering of the face" {f}; that which has covered the face of all people; that darkness which has been spread over them, partly by Mahomet, and his Alcoran, and partly by the pope of Rome, and his party; the covering of human doctrines and traditions seems chiefly intended, which now will be removed, as well as all Pagan and Mahometan darkness, through the clear ministration of the everlasting Gospel, which will be spread with power, and in its purity, throughout the whole world; see ( Isaiah 60:1-3 ) more especially this may respect the light and glory of the New Jerusalem state, in which Christ will be the light thereof, and the nations of them that are saved shall walk in it, and Satan will be bound a thousand years, that he may not deceive the nations any more, ( Revelation 21:23-25 ) ( 20:3 ) and the veil that is spread over all nations;
meaning the same as before; the veil or covering of darkness and ignorance, with which the nations are covered, either Papal, Pagan, and Mahometan; particularly, respect may be had to the veil that is upon the Jewish nation, which remains to this day, and will be taken off when it shall turn to the Lord, ( 2 Corinthians 3:13-15 ) this may be said in allusion to the veil on Moses's face, when he spake to the people, ( Exodus 34:33 ) as the former expression may be to the covering or wrapper about the face of dead men, ( John 11:44 ) for they that sit in spiritual darkness, are in the region of the shadow of death.


F6 (jwlh ynp) "velum faciei", Piscator.

Isaías 25:7 In-Context

5 Como o calor em lugar seco, tu abaterás o tumulto dos estranhos; como se abranda o calor pela sombra da espessa nuvem, assim acabará o cântico dos violentos.
6 E o Senhor dos exércitos dará neste monte a todos os povos um banquete de coisas gordurosas, banquete de vinhos puros, de coisas gordurosas feitas de tutanos, e de vinhos puros, bem purificados.
7 E destruirá neste monte a coberta que cobre todos os povos, e o véu que está posto sobre todas as nações.
8 Aniquilará a morte para sempre, e assim enxugará o Senhor Deus as lágrimas de todos os rostos, e tirará de toda a terra o opróbrio do seu povo; porque o Senhor o disse.
9 E naquele dia se dirá: Eis que este é o nosso Deus; por ele temos esperado, para que nos salve. Este é o Senhor; por ele temos esperado; na sua salvação gozaremos e nos alegraremos.
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