Isaías 41:26

26 Quem anunciou isso desde o princípio, para que o possamos saber? ou dantes, para que digamos: Ele é justo? Mas não há quem anuncie, nem tampouco quem manifeste, nem tampouco quem ouça as vossas palavras.

Images for Isaías 41:26

Isaías 41:26 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 41:26

Who hath declared from the beginning, that we may know?
&c.] Who of the idols, or of their priests, that have declared things future before they came to pass, or ever predicted such an event as this before mentioned; which, if understood of Cyrus, was an hundred and fifty years before it came to pass; and if of Constantine, near a thousand years: and before time, that we may say, he is righteous?
that is, who hath declared things before the time of the accomplishment of them, and they have come to pass, as they have been declared? by which it may be known that they are gods, or the priests of such that are so, by their having prescience of future events, or the spirit of prophecy; and so it may be said of them, that they are just in their pretensions, and have a rightful claim to deity, or are true prophets; so the Targum,

``that we may say it is true''
yea, there is none that showeth, yea, there is none that declareth;
that shows and declares things to come, or such as the true God shows and declares: yea, there is none that heareth your words;
none of your worshippers that ever heard you speak a word, who, when they have prayed to you, could never have an answer; and therefore you have no just claim to deity; or ever heard any of your prophets say such a thing should come to pass, and it did.

Isaías 41:26 In-Context

24 Eis que vindes do nada, e a vossa obra do que nada é; abominação é quem vos escolhe.
25 Do norte suscitei a um que já é chegado; do nascente do sol a um que invoca o meu nome; e virá sobre os magistrados como sobre o lodo, e como o oleiro pisa o barro.
26 Quem anunciou isso desde o princípio, para que o possamos saber? ou dantes, para que digamos: Ele é justo? Mas não há quem anuncie, nem tampouco quem manifeste, nem tampouco quem ouça as vossas palavras.
27 Eu sou o que primeiro direi a Sião: Ei-los, ei-los; e a Jerusalém darei um mensageiro que traz boas-novas.
28 E quando eu olho, não há ninguém; nem mesmo entre eles há conselheiro que possa responder palavra, quando eu lhes perguntar.
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