Jeremias 11:15

15 Que direito tem a minha amada na minha casa, visto que com muitos tem cometido grande abominação, e as carnes santas se desviaram de ti? Quando tu fazes mal, então andas saltando de prazer.

Jeremias 11:15 Meaning and Commentary

Jeremiah 11:15

What hath my beloved to do in mine house
These are either the words of the prophet, as Kimchi and Ben Melech think, speaking after this manner; what has God, who is my beloved, he whom my soul loves, and who loves me, to do in the sanctuary, which is my house, and not this people's, that have defiled it, to cause his Shechinah to dwell there, after so much wickedness has been committed in it? and so Cocceius interprets it of Christ the beloved Son of God, and the beloved of his church and people, withdrawing from the temple, because of the wickedness of the Jews; or they are the words of God concerning the people of the Jews, who were beloved for the Father's sake; signifying that now, because of their abominations, it was not fitting they should continue in the house of God, or have any shelter and protection there. The Jews interpret F11 this of Abraham: seeing she hath wrought lewdness with many;
that is, the congregation of Israel, or the church of the Jews, had committed idolatry with many idols; or it was not only a few of them that were guilty of this sin, but a multitude, even their great men, the princes and nobles: and the holy flesh is passed from thee?
which Kimchi and Ben Melech understand of holy and good men, who ceased from among them, were perished and gone; and Jarchi, of the circumcision of the flesh, which was neglected: but it seems best to interpret it of the flesh of sacrifices; which were either laid aside by them, or, if offered and eaten of, were of no service to them, being offered up with a wicked mind; or rather the meaning is, the time was come that these were at an end, the temple being destroyed: when thou doest evil;
the evil of sin; or "when thine evil is" F12; the evil of punishment is coming upon thee: then thou rejoicest;
instead of repenting of sin, and mourning for it, or being humbled at approaching judgments, gave themselves up to sensual lusts and pleasures; neither concerned at the one nor at the other; neither grieved for sin, nor trembled at punishment; but amidst all were brisk and jovial; though some say F13 the word has the signification of trembling; and render it, "then thou shalt tremble". The Targum of the whole is,

``What (have I to do) with this people, that was beloved before me? they have left the worship of the house of my sanctuary; they have took counsel to sin much; they mingle the flesh of abominations with the holy flesh; they shall go into captivity from thee; because of thy wickedness thou art strong.''


F11 T. Bab. Menachot, fol. 53. 2.
F12 (Kter yk) "quum adest malum tuum", Junius & Tremellius; "praesto est", Piscator; extabit, Cocceius.
F13 R. Sol. Urbin. Ohel Moed, fol. 32. 1.

Jeremias 11:15 In-Context

13 Pois, segundo o número das tuas cidades, são os teus deuses, ó Judá; e, segundo o número das ruas de Jerusalém, tendes levantado altares � impudência, altares para queimardes incenso a Baal.
14 Tu, pois, não ores por este povo, nem levantes por eles clamor nem oração; porque não os ouvirei no tempo em que eles clamarem a mim por causa da sua calamidade.
15 Que direito tem a minha amada na minha casa, visto que com muitos tem cometido grande abominação, e as carnes santas se desviaram de ti? Quando tu fazes mal, então andas saltando de prazer.
16 Denominou-te o Senhor oliveira verde, formosa por seus deliciosos frutos; mas agora, � voz dum grande tumulto, acendeu fogo nela, e se quebraram os seus ramos.
17 Porque o Senhor dos exércitos, que te plantou, pronunciou contra ti uma calamidade, por causa do grande mal que a casa de Israel e a casa de Judá fizeram, pois me provocaram � ira, queimando icenso a Baal.
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