Jeremias 22:28

28 E este homem Conias algum vaso desprezado e quebrado, um vaso de que ninguém se agrada? Por que razão foram ele e a sua linhagem arremessados e arrojados para uma terra que não conhecem?

Jeremias 22:28 Meaning and Commentary

Jeremiah 22:28

[Is] this man Coniah a despised broken idol?
&c.] Or like an idol that is nothing in the world, and like a broken one, that, whatever worship before was paid to it, has now none at all, but is despised by its votaries? he is such an one; though he was idolized by his people when be first came to the throne; but now his power and government being broken, and he carried captive, was despised by all; as his being called Coniah, and "this man" or fellow, show; which are used of him in a way of reproach and contempt; [is he] a vessel wherein [is] no pleasure?
he is. He is like a vessel made for dishonour, or is used for the most contemptible service; or like one that is cracked, or broken, or defiled, that no use can be made of it, or any delight taken in it; it is not fit to set up, to be looked at, or to be made use of; wherefore are they cast out, he and his seed;
which were in his loins, and were begotten by him in captivity; see ( 1 Chronicles 3:17 1 Chronicles 3:18 ) ; and so said to be cast out with him, when he was cast out of the land of Judea; just as Levi paid tithes in Abraham before he was born, ( Hebrews 7:9 Hebrews 7:10 ) ; and are cast into a land which they know not?
where they had no friends and acquaintance; doubtless it was for his sins and transgressions, and those of his people.

Jeremias 22:28 In-Context

26 A ti e a tua mãe, que te deu � luz, lançar-vos-ei para uma terra estranha, em que não nascestes, e ali morrereis.
27 Mas � terra para a qual eles almejam voltar, para lá não voltarão.
28 E este homem Conias algum vaso desprezado e quebrado, um vaso de que ninguém se agrada? Por que razão foram ele e a sua linhagem arremessados e arrojados para uma terra que não conhecem?
29 ç terra, terra, terra; ouve a palavra do Senhor.
30 Assim diz o Senhor: Escrevei que este homem fica sem filhos, homem que não prosperará nos seus dias; pois nenhum da sua linhagem prosperará para assentar-se sobre o trono de Davi e reinar daqui em diante em Judá.
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