Jeremias 3:11

11 E o Senhor me disse: A pérfida Israel mostrou-se mais justa do que a aleivosa Judá.

Jeremias 3:11 Meaning and Commentary

Jeremiah 3:11

And the Lord said unto me
To the Prophet Jeremiah, as in ( Jeremiah 3:6 ) and at or about the same time: the backsliding Israel hath justified herself more than treacherous
that is, was comparatively more righteous; of the two she appeared the most righteous; though neither of them could vindicate their conduct, or justify themselves before God; see ( Luke 18:14 ) . Judah was most to blame, because that after Israel committed idolatry, and was carried captive, she took no warning by it, but fell into the same sin; and in Manasseh's time committed greater idolatries, and more wickedness, than ever Israel did; and more than even the Amorites themselves, and other Heathen nations, had done, ( 2 Kings 21:6-11 ) and though a reformation was made in Josiah's time, it was only feignedly, it was not cordial and hearty; and therefore she is all along here charged with perfidy and treachery.

Jeremias 3:11 In-Context

9 E pela leviandade da sua prostituição contaminou a terra, porque adulterou com a pedra e com o pau.
10 Contudo, apesar de tudo isso a sua aleivosa irmã Judá não voltou para mim de todo o seu coração, mas fingidamente, diz o Senhor.
11 E o Senhor me disse: A pérfida Israel mostrou-se mais justa do que a aleivosa Judá.
12 Vai, pois, e apregoa estas palavras para a banda do norte, e diz: Volta, ó pérfida Israel, diz o Senhor. Não olharei em era para ti; porque misericordioso sou, diz o Senhor, e não conservarei para sempre a minha ira.
13 Somente reconhece a tua iniqüidade: que contra o Senhor teu Deus transgrediste, e estendeste os teus favores para os estranhos debaixo de toda árvore frondosa, e não deste ouvidos � minha voz, diz o Senhor.
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