Jó 22:14

14 Grossas nuvens o encobrem, de modo que não pode ver; e ele passeia em volta da abóbada do céu.

Jó 22:14 Meaning and Commentary

Job 22:14

Thick clouds [are] a covering to him, that he seeth not
Thus Job is made to speak, or to reason as atheistical persons, or such who are inclined to atheism would, who take God to be altogether such an one as themselves; as that because thick clouds hide objects, as the sun, and moon, and stars, from their sight, therefore they must hide men and their actions from the sight of God; whereas there is nothing between God and man to hide them from him, let them be what they will, clouds as thick and as dark as can be imagined, yet his eyes are upon the ways of man, and see all his goings, nor is there any darkness that can hide from him, ( Job 34:21 Job 34:22 ) ;

and he walketh in the circuit of heaven;
within which he keeps himself, and never looks down upon the earth, or takes any notice of what is done there; quite contrary to ( Psalms 14:3 ) ( Psalms 33:13 Psalms 33:14 ) ; as if he only took his walks through the spacious orb of heaven, and delighted himself in viewing the celestial mansions, and the furniture of them, but had no regard to anything below them; whereas, though he walks in the circuit of heaven, he also sits upon the circle of the earth, ( Isaiah 41:22 ) ; Eliphaz seems here to ascribe the sentiments perhaps of the Zabians in former times to Job, and since adopted by some philosophers; that God only regards the heavenly bodies, and supports them in their beings, and regulates and directs their motions, and leaves all things below to be governed and influenced by them, as judging it unworthy of him to be concerned with things on earth. Indeed the earth and the inhabitants of it are unworthy of his notice and care, and of his providential visits, but he does humble himself to look upon things on earth as well as in heaven, ( Psalms 8:4 ) ( 113:6 ) ; to make Job reason after this Epicurean manner was doing great injustice to his character, who most firmly believed both the being and providence of God, and that as extending to all things here below, see ( Job 12:13-25 ) .

Jó 22:14 In-Context

12 Não está Deus na altura do céu? Olha para as mais altas estrelas, quão elevadas estão!
13 E dizes: Que sabe Deus? Pode ele julgar através da escuridão?
14 Grossas nuvens o encobrem, de modo que não pode ver; e ele passeia em volta da abóbada do céu.
15 Queres seguir a vereda antiga, que pisaram os homens iníquos?
16 Os quais foram arrebatados antes do seu tempo; e o seu fundamento se derramou qual um rio.
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