Jó 37:21

21 E agora o homem não pode olhar para o sol, que resplandece no céu quando o vento, tendo passado, o deixa limpo.

Jó 37:21 Meaning and Commentary

Job 37:21

And now men see not the bright light which [is] in the
Here Elihu returns to his subject, it may be, occasioned by black clouds gathering in the heavens, as a preparation for the whirlwind, storm, and tempest, out of which the Lord is said to speak in the next chapter. And this is to be understood, not of the lightning in the cloud, which is not to be seen until it breaks out of it; nor the rainbow in the cloud, formed by the rays of light from the sun, which disappears when the wind passes and clears the sky of the cloud in which it is; nor of the Galaxy, or Milky Way, as Sephorno, which is not to be seen in a cloudy night; but of the sun, which is the great light and a bright one, and shines brightly; yet sometimes not to be seen by men, because of interposing clouds, until they are cleared away by winds. Though rather this respects the sun shining in its brightness, and in its full strength, in the skies or ethereal regions, in a clear day, when men are not able to look full at it: and how much less then are they able to behold him who is light itself, and in whom is no darkness at all, nor shadow of turning; who dwells in light, which no mortal can approach unto; into whose nature and perfections none can fully look, or behold the secret springs of his actions, and the reasons of his dispensations towards men?

but the wind passeth and cleanseth them;
the clouds, and clears the air of them, which obstruct the light of the sun: or "when a wind passeth and cleareth it"; the air, as Mr. Broughton, then the sun shines so brightly that it dazzles the eye to look at it.

Jó 37:21 In-Context

19 Ensina-nos o que lhe diremos; pois nós nada poderemos pôr em boa ordem, por causa das trevas.
20 Contar-lhe-ia alguém que eu quero falar. Ou desejaria um homem ser devorado?
21 E agora o homem não pode olhar para o sol, que resplandece no céu quando o vento, tendo passado, o deixa limpo.
22 Do norte vem o áureo esplendor; em Deus há tremenda majestade.
23 Quanto ao Todo-Poderoso, não o podemos compreender; grande é em poder e justiça e pleno de retidão; a ninguém, pois, oprimirá.
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