João 14:13

13 e tudo quanto pedirdes em meu nome, eu o farei, para que o Pai seja glorificado no Filho.

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João 14:13 Meaning and Commentary

John 14:13

And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name
Whether it be for assistance in preaching of the Gospel; or for the performance of miraculous operations in confirmation of it; or for success to attend it; or for any blessings whatsoever, whether for themselves or others:

that will I do;
he does not say, that he would be a Mediator between God, and them, an advocate with the Father for them, and would intercede, and use his interest with him that it might be done, which would have been saying much, and all which he does; but he declares he will do it himself, which is a proof of his deity, and an instance of his omnipotence:

that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
This may be referred either to the petition, which must be made with this view, that the Father may be glorified by, or in the Son, in whose name it is put up, and for whose sake it is made; or to Christ's promise to do it; who in doing it, seeks not his own glory, at least not singly; but as the good of his people, so the glory of his heavenly Father.

João 14:13 In-Context

11 Crede-me que eu estou no Pai, e que o Pai está em mim; crede ao menos por causa das mesmas obras.
12 Em verdade, em verdade vos digo: Aquele que crê em mim, esse também fará as obras que eu faço, e as fará maiores do que estas; porque eu vou para o Pai;
13 e tudo quanto pedirdes em meu nome, eu o farei, para que o Pai seja glorificado no Filho.
14 Se me pedirdes alguma coisa em meu nome, eu a farei.
15 Se me amardes, guardareis os meus mandamentos.
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