João 16:3

3 E isto vos farão, porque não conheceram ao Pai nem a mim.

João 16:3 Meaning and Commentary

John 16:3

And these things will they do unto you
Christ here opens the true spring and source of the furious zeal of the Jews, against the apostles, in putting them out of their synagogues, and taking away their lives; it was pure wilful ignorance of the Father and himself;

because they have not known the Father nor me;
though they boasted of their knowledge of God; yet they knew him not as the Father and sender of Christ, at least they would not own him as such: nor Jesus as the true Messiah, and sent of the Father, to redeem and save his people from their sins; and since they neither knew the Father, nor Christ, it is no wonder they did not know, own, and acknowledge, the disciples of Christ, but used them in the ill manner they did; their zeal was not according to knowledge, it was a blind and misguided one: and this is mentioned, not to extenuate or excuse their sin, though it shows they were not out of the reach of mercy, because they, as the apostle says of himself, "did it ignorantly in unbelief", ( 1 Timothy 1:13 ) ; but as an argument with the disciples to bear their ill usage with patience, and to pity them and pray for them.

João 16:3 In-Context

1 Tenho-vos dito estas coisas para que não vos escandalizeis.
2 Expulsar-vos-ão das sinagogas; ainda mais, vem a hora em que qualquer que vos matar julgará prestar um serviço a Deus.
3 E isto vos farão, porque não conheceram ao Pai nem a mim.
4 Mas tenho-vos dito estas coisas, a fim de que, quando chegar aquela hora, vos lembreis de que eu vo-las tinha dito. Não vo-las disse desde o princípio, porque estava convosco.
5 Agora, porém, vou para aquele que me enviou; e nenhum de vós me pergunta: Para onde vais?
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