Lucas 1:33

33 e reinará eternamente sobre a casa de Jacó, e o seu reino não terá fim.

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Lucas 1:33 Meaning and Commentary

Luke 1:33

And he shall reign over the house of Jacob
Not over the Jews, the posterity of Jacob, in a literal sense; but over the whole Israel of God, consisting of Jews and Gentiles. For as his father David reigned over the Idumeans, Syrians, and others, as well as over the house of Judah and Israel, so this his son shall reign over both Jews and Gentiles: his kingdom shall be from one end of the earth to the other, even over all the elect of God; who in successive generations call themselves by the name of Jacob, and surname themselves by the name of Israel, of whatsoever nation they be; and this reign of his shall be "for ever, and of his kingdom there shall be no end"; referring to ( Isaiah 9:7 ) see also ( Daniel 2:44 ) ( Daniel 7:14 ) he shall reign in the hearts of his people here unto the end of the world; and with his saints a thousand years in the new heavens and new earth; and with them to all eternity, in the ultimate glory.

Lucas 1:33 In-Context

31 Eis que conceberás e darás � luz um filho, ao qual porás o nome de Jesus.
32 Este será grande e será chamado filho do Altíssimo; o Senhor Deus lhe dará o trono de Davi seu pai;
33 e reinará eternamente sobre a casa de Jacó, e o seu reino não terá fim.
34 Então Maria perguntou ao anjo: Como se fará isso, uma vez que não conheço varão?
35 Respondeu-lhe o anjo: Virá sobre ti o Espírito Santo, e o poder do Altíssimo te cobrirá com a sua sombra; por isso o que há de nascer será chamado santo, Filho de Deus.
The Almeida Atualizada is in the public domain.