Lucas 10:20

20 Contudo, não vos alegreis porque se vos submetem os espíritos; alegrai-vos antes por estarem os vossos nomes escritos nos céus.

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Lucas 10:20 Meaning and Commentary

Luke 10:20

Notwithstanding in this rejoice not
That their power was enlarged, or that they had, the same as before:

that the spirits,
evil spirits, devils, are subject unto you; and come out of men at your command; rejoice not so much in this, or chiefly and principally; not but that it was matter of joy both with respect to the gift bestowed upon them, and the benefits men received by it, and the glory that was brought to Christ through it;

but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven;
in the book of life, called the Lamb's book of life, written from the foundation of the world: in divine predestination to everlasting glory and happiness: which shows that God's election to eternal life is of particular persons, of persons by name; that it is sure, and certain, and immutable, being in opposition to what is written in earth, ( Jeremiah 17:13 ) , that the knowledge of this may be attained to, through the grace of God, the revelation of Christ, and the witnessings of his Spirit; and that this is matter of the greatest job, since it is the foundation and security of all the blessings of grace and glory.

Lucas 10:20 In-Context

18 Respondeu-lhes ele: Eu via Satanás, como raio, cair do céu.
19 Eis que vos dei autoridade para pisar serpentes e escorpiões, e sobre todo o poder do inimigo; e nada vos fará dano algum.
20 Contudo, não vos alegreis porque se vos submetem os espíritos; alegrai-vos antes por estarem os vossos nomes escritos nos céus.
21 Naquela mesma hora exultou Jesus no Espírito Santo, e disse: Graças te dou, ó Pai, Senhor do céu e da terra, porque ocultaste estas coisas aos sábios e entendidos, e as revelaste aos pequeninos; sim, ó Pai, porque assim foi do teu agrado.
22 Todas as coisas me foram entregues por meu Pai; e ninguém conhece quem é o Filho senão o Pai, nem quem é o Pai senão o Filho, e aquele a quem o Filho o quiser revelar.
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