Lucas 10:25

25 E eis que se levantou certo doutor da lei e, para o experimentar, disse: Mestre, que farei para herdar a vida eterna?

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Lucas 10:25 Meaning and Commentary

Luke 10:25

And behold a certain lawyer stood up
From his seat, having been hearing Christ preach, very likely, in some synagogue; when and where this was, is not certain. The Syriac, Persic, and Ethiopic versions call this man a Scribe; and a lawyer and a Scribe were the same, as appears from ( Matthew 22:35 ) compared with ( Mark 12:28 )

and tempted him;
or tried him whether he understood the law, or whether he would say any thing contrary to it, and see if he could gain any advantage against him, and expose him, and get credit and applause to himself:

saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?
the same question as was put by the young ruler in ( Mark 10:17 ) for they were both of the same complexion, and upon the same foundation, seeking eternal life by their own works: (See Gill on Matthew 19:16)

he said unto him;
that is, Jesus, as all the Oriental versions express it.

Lucas 10:25 In-Context

23 E voltando-se para os discípulos, disse-lhes em particular: Bem-aventurados os olhos que vêem o que vós vedes.
24 Pois vos digo que muitos profetas e reis desejaram ver o que vós vedes, e não o viram; e ouvir o que ouvis, e não o ouviram.
25 E eis que se levantou certo doutor da lei e, para o experimentar, disse: Mestre, que farei para herdar a vida eterna?
26 Perguntou-lhe Jesus: Que está escrito na lei? Como lês tu?
27 Respondeu-lhe ele: Amarás ao Senhor teu Deus de todo o teu coração, de toda a tua alma, de todas as tuas forças e de todo o teu entendimento, e ao teu próximo como a ti mesmo.

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