Malaquias 4:3

3 E pisareis os ímpios, porque se farão cinza debaixo das plantas de vossos pés naquele dia que prepararei, diz o Senhor dos exércitos.

Malaquias 4:3 Meaning and Commentary

Malachi 4:3

And ye shall tread down the wicked
As grapes in the winepress, as Christ did before them, ( Isaiah 63:2 Isaiah 63:3 ) and they by virtue of him; who makes them more than conquerors through himself, over all their enemies, spiritual and temporal: for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet;
this refers to the burning of them, ( Malachi 4:1 ) and may be literally understood of their being burnt with the city and temple; when afterwards, as Grotius observes, the city of Jerusalem being in some measure rebuilt, and called Aelia, there was a Christian church in it, governed by bishops, who were converted Jews; and so might be literally said to trample upon the ashes of the wicked, who had persecuted them in times past, they being upon the very spot where these men were destroyed by fire: in the day that I shall do [this], saith the Lord of hosts:
or "in the day which I make" F13; that is, by the rising of the sun of righteousness, the Gospel day. The Talmud F14 interprets this verse of the bodies of the wicked in hell, which after twelve months will be consumed, and the wind will scatter them under the soles of the feet of the righteous.


F13 (hve yna rva Mwyb) "eo die, quem ego facio", Cocceius.
F14 T. Bab. Roshhashanah, fol. 17. 1.

Malaquias 4:3 In-Context

1 Pois eis que aquele dia vem ardendo como fornalha; todos os soberbos, e todos os que cometem impiedade, serão como restolho; e o dia que está para vir os abrasará, diz o Senhor dos exércitos, de sorte que não lhes deixará nem raiz nem ramo.
2 Mas para vós, os que temeis o meu nome, nascerá o sol da justiça, trazendo curas nas suas asas; e vós saireis e saltareis como bezerros da estrebaria.
3 E pisareis os ímpios, porque se farão cinza debaixo das plantas de vossos pés naquele dia que prepararei, diz o Senhor dos exércitos.
4 Lembrai-vos da lei de Moisés, meu servo, a qual lhe mandei em Horebe para todo o Israel, a saber, estatutos e ordenanças.
5 Eis que eu vos enviarei o profeta Elias, antes que venha o grande e terrível dia do Senhor;
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