Mateus 21:45

45 Os principais sacerdotes e os fariseus, ouvindo essas parábolas, entenderam que era deles que Jesus falava.

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Mateus 21:45 Meaning and Commentary

Matthew 21:45

And when the chief priests and Pharisees
Which latter, though not before mentioned, were many of them of the grand sanhedrim, as well as the chief priests, scribes, and elders: "had heard his parables"; that of the two sons being sent into the vineyard, and that of the letting out the vineyard to husbandmen,

they perceived that he spake of them:
they plainly saw that they were designed by the son, that promised to go into the vineyard, but did not; only talked of works, but did not do them: and that they were the husbandmen that acted the ungrateful part to the householder, and the cruel one to his servants, and would to his son, their own consciences told them they were the men. They knew that the whole was levelled against them, and designed for them, and exactly hit their case.

Mateus 21:45 In-Context

43 Portanto eu vos digo que vos será tirado o reino de Deus, e será dado a um povo que dê os seus frutos.
44 E quem cair sobre esta pedra será despedaçado; mas aquele sobre quem ela cair será reduzido a pó.
45 Os principais sacerdotes e os fariseus, ouvindo essas parábolas, entenderam que era deles que Jesus falava.
46 E procuravam prendê-lo, mas temeram o povo, porquanto este o tinha por profeta.
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