Mateus 25:33

33 e porá as ovelhas � sua direita, mas os cabritos � esquerda.

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Mateus 25:33 Meaning and Commentary

Matthew 25:33

And he shall set the sheep on his right hand
That is, the elect of God, and true believers, such as have the grace of God truly implanted in them; the sheep the Father gave unto Christ, and made his care and charge, whom he, as the good shepherd, laid down his life for; and who know his voice in effectual calling, and follow him in the way of his ordinances and appointments; and are comparable to sheep for their meekness and innocence, their simplicity and usefulness, and their harmless and inoffensive lives, and conversations: these Christ will set on his right hand, as a token of his affection for them, and a mark of respect and honour shown them, and as a pledge of that exaltation and glory he will be about to raise them to.

But the goats on the left;
that is, the foolish virgins, wicked, and slothful servants, graceless professors, who, because of the impurity of their hearts, the filthiness of their lives, and their offensiveness to Christ, are compared to goats: these he will place at his left hand, in token of his disaffection for them, as a brand of disgrace upon them, and as an intimation of that dishonour, and miserable condition they will quickly be in. These different situations plainly pre-signify how things will go with each, that one will be acquitted, and made happy, the other will be condemned, and become miserable. Agreeable to which the Jews say F3, that there is a right hand and a left hand with the Lord: they that are on the right hand, are such as have done well, and are (twkzl) , "for absolution"; and they that are on the left hand are criminals, and are (hbwxl) , "for condemnation". Some think the allusion is to the two Scribes in the sanhedrim, who stood before the judges, one on the right hand, and the other on the left, and wrote the sentences; the one of those that were acquitted, and the other of those that were condemned F4.


F3 Jarchi in Gen. i. 26. Kimchi in 1 Kings xxii. 19. Lex. Cabalist. p. 132. Zohar in Numb. fol. 93. 4.
F4 Misn. Sanhedrin, c. 4. sect. 3. Maimon. Hilch. Sanhedrin, c. 1. sect. 9. Moses Kotsensis Mitzvot Tora pr. affirm. 97.

Mateus 25:33 In-Context

31 Quando, pois vier o Filho do homem na sua glória, e todos os anjos com ele, então se assentará no trono da sua glória;
32 e diante dele serão reunidas todas as nações; e ele separará uns dos outros, como o pastor separa as ovelhas dos cabritos;
33 e porá as ovelhas � sua direita, mas os cabritos � esquerda.
34 Então dirá o Rei aos que estiverem � sua direita: Vinde, benditos de meu Pai. Possuí por herança o reino que vos está preparado desde a fundação do mundo;
35 porque tive fome, e me destes de comer; tive sede, e me destes de beber; era forasteiro, e me acolhestes;
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