Miquéias 6:12

12 Pois os ricos da cidade estão cheios de violência, e os seus habitantes falam mentiras, e a lingua deles é enganosa na sua boca.

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Miquéias 6:12 Meaning and Commentary

Micah 6:12

For the rich men thereof are full of violence
That is, the rich men of the city, to whom the voice of the Lord cried, ( Micah 6:9 ) . Jerusalem or Samaria, or any or all the cities of Israel and Judah; the rich men of these cities, who had enough of the world, and were under no temptation to do an ill thing, to get money; and yet their hands and their houses, and their treasuries, as the Targum, were full of goods gotten by violent measures, by the oppression of the poor and needy: and the inhabitants thereof have spoken lies;
the rest of the inhabitants, who were not so rich as others, and who had it not in the power of their hands to oppress as others had; yet used deceitful and fraudulent methods to cheat their neighbours in buying and selling; and, to do this, did not stick to tell downright deliberate lies: and their tongue [is] deceitful in their mouth;
say one thing, and mean another; deceive their neighbours with their tongues in trade and commerce; averting things for truth they know to be false.

Miquéias 6:12 In-Context

10 Porventura ainda há na casa do impio tesouros de impiedade? e a efa desfalcada, que é detestável?
11 Justificerei ao que tem balanças falsas, e uma bolsa de pesos enganosos?
12 Pois os ricos da cidade estão cheios de violência, e os seus habitantes falam mentiras, e a lingua deles é enganosa na sua boca.
13 Assim eu tambem te enfraquecerei, ferindo-te e assolando-te, por causa dos teus pecados.
14 Tu comerás, mas não te fartarás; e a tua fome estará sempre contigo; removerás os teus bens, mas nada livrarás; e aquilo que livrares, eu o entregarei � espada.
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