Miquéias 7:7

7 Eu, porém, confiarei no Senhor; esperarei no Deus da minha salvação. O meu Deus me ouvirá.

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Miquéias 7:7 Meaning and Commentary

Micah 7:7

Therefore I will look unto the Lord
Here the prophet, in the name of the church and people of God, declares what he would do in such circumstances, since there was no dependence on men of any rank, in any relation or connection with each other; he resolved to look alone to the Lord, and put his trust in him; look up to the Lord in prayer, use an humble freedom with him, place a holy confidence in him, expect all good things from him, and wait for them; look to Christ in the exercise of faith, which is, in New Testament language, a looking to Jesus; and the Targum interprets this clause of the Word of the Lord, the essential Word, who is to be looked unto, and believed in, as the Son of God, who is the true God, and eternal life; as the Lamb of God, that takes away the sin of the world; as the Mediator between God and men: as in all his offices of Prophet, Priest, and King; as the Lord our righteousness, and as the only Saviour and Redeemer of men; and that for all things; when in darkness, for light; when weak, for strength; when sick, for healing; when hungry, for food; when disconsolate, for comfort; in short, for all supplies of grace here, and for eternal glory and happiness hereafter; and though he is in heaven, and not to be seen with our bodily eyes, yet he is held forth in the word of the Gospel, and the ordinances of it; and is to be seen there with an eye of faith: I will wait for the God of my salvation;
who is the author both of temporal, and of spiritual, and eternal salvation; for the light of his countenance, when he hides himself; for the performance of promises he has made; for answers of prayer put up to him; for discoveries of pardoning grace, having sinned against him; for help and assistance in all times of need; for the salvation of the Lord, for an application of it, for the joys and comforts of it; and for Christ the Saviour, his coming in the flesh, which all the prophets and Old Testament saints were looking and waiting for: and who, doubtless, was upon the mind and in the view of the prophet when he uttered these words, my God will hear me;
this is the language of faith, both to say that God was his God, and that he would hear and answer him; the former is the ground of the latter; God has an ear to hear when his people cry; and sooner or later it appears that he does hear, by giving an answer of peace unto them, which issues in their salvation they have been praying, looking, and waiting for. The Targum is,

``my God will receive my prayer.''

Miquéias 7:7 In-Context

5 Não creiais no amigo, nem confieis no companheiro; guarda as portas da tua boca daquela que repousa no teu seio.
6 Pois o filho despreza o pai, a filha se levanta contra a mãe, a nora contra a sogra; os inimigos do homem são os da própria casa.
7 Eu, porém, confiarei no Senhor; esperarei no Deus da minha salvação. O meu Deus me ouvirá.
8 Não te alegres, inimiga minha, a meu respeito; quando eu cair, levantar-me-ei; quando me sentar nas trevas, o Senhor será a minha luz.
9 Sofrerei a indignação do Senhor, porque tenho pecado contra ele; até que ele julgue a minha causa, e execute o meu direito. Ele me tirará para a luz, e eu verei a sua justiça.
The Almeida Atualizada is in the public domain.