Provérbios 10:10

10 O que acena com os olhos dá dores; e o insensato palrador cairá.

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Provérbios 10:10 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 10:10

He that winketh with the eye
The Syriac and Arabic versions add, "with fraud". A descriptive character of a wicked man, ( Proverbs 6:13 ) ; who so does, either to draw and allure persons to go along with him, and join him in his evil practices; or by way of scorn and contempt of others; or as a token to another of its being the proper time to circumvent his neighbour, or do him an injury. Such an one causeth sorrow;
to himself in the issue, however he may for the present please himself with his evil doings; and to others, whom he allures and deceives. The Arabic version is, "heaps afflictions" or "sorrows on men"; whom he corrupts and draws into his evil company and conversation; but a prating fool shall fall;
or, "be taken", as the Targum; or "beaten", as the Vulgate Latin; (See Gill on Proverbs 10:8).

Provérbios 10:10 In-Context

8 O sábio de coração aceita os mandamentos; mas o insensato palra dor cairá.
9 Quem anda em integridade anda seguro; mas o que perverte os seus caminhos será conhecido.
10 O que acena com os olhos dá dores; e o insensato palrador cairá.
11 A boca do justo é manancial de vida, porém a boca dos ímpios esconde a violência.
12 O ódio excita contendas; mas o amor cobre todas as transgressões.
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