Provérbios 13:23

23 Abundância de mantimento há, na lavoura do pobre; mas se perde por falta de juízo.

Provérbios 13:23 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 13:23

Much food [is in] the tillage of the poor
The poor are generally employed in tilling land; from whose labours in ploughing and sowing much food arises to men, bread to the eater, and seed to the sower: or a poor farmer, that has but a small farm, a few acres of land, to till; yet through his diligence and industry, with the blessing of God upon it, he gets a comfortable livelihood for himself and family; much food, or a sufficiency of it for the present year, and seed to sow land again the following year; but there is [that is] destroyed for want of judgment;
or discretion in tilling his land, and managing the affairs of husbandry, which is God's gift, ( Isaiah 28:26 ) ; or, "through injustice" F23, as some render it; for want of doing that which is right and just; not paying his labourers their hire and wages, as he ought, and so it is blasted, and comes to ruin. This may be spiritually applied. By the "poor" may be understood the poor ministers of the Gospel; who, though poor, make many rich, ( 2 Corinthians 6:10 ) ; much spiritual food is to be had under their labours and ministrations, they being employed in cultivating the churches: or else the poor saints and poor churches themselves may be meant; who are tilled by them, among whom is plenty of spiritual provisions; as in the poor Protestant churches, who, though in the wilderness, are nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, when there is no food in the apostate church of Rome: and so by the "tillage" may be meant the church of Christ itself, which is "God's husbandry", ( 1 Corinthians 3:9 ) ; his agriculture, his tillage, his arable land; which he has separated and distinguished from the wide world, and employs his power and care about. For he is the husbandman, ( John 15:1 ) ; it is he that breaks up the fallow ground of men's hearts; that makes the ground good which he tills; who sows the seed of the word, and the seed of his grace there; who waters it with the dews of his grace, and causes his people to grow as the corn, and ripens them for glory: and when the harvest is come, the end of the world or of life, he sends his reapers, his angels, to gather them, the wheat, into his garner. And he employs the ministers of the word as under husbandmen, as labourers under him and with him; these are the ploughmen that hold the plough of the Gospel, and manage that; these are his sowers that go forth, bearing the precious seed of the word, and sow it under his direction; and these water the ground that is sown and planted; their doctrines distil as the rain and dew upon it; and these bring in their sheaves with joy at last. And now in this tillage is much spiritual food; in God's husbandry, the church, are the word and ordinances, in which are milk for babes, and meat for strong men, salutary, wholesome, nourishing, and strengthening food; here Christ, the best food, is set forth to faith to feed upon; true and real food, meat and drink indeed, spiritual, savoury, satisfying food; soul reviving, refreshing, and nourishing food; here is plenty of it, enough and to spare: and yet there are some that are destroyed for want of spiritual judgment and discerning; who take the poison of false teachers instead of the food to be had under a Gospel ministry; so the followers of the man of sin are given up to believe a lie and be damned; for want of judgment, they receive the grossest absurdities, and perish; as others also give in to damnable heresies, denying the deity, satisfaction, and righteousness of Christ, and other soul destroying notions; see ( Hosea 4:6 ) ( 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 ) ( 2 Peter 2:1 ) .


F23 (jpvm alb) "ob non jus", Vatablus; i.e. "ob injustitiam", Michaelis; "sine justitia", Gejerum.

Provérbios 13:23 In-Context

21 O mal persegue os pecadores; mas os justos são galardoados com o bem.
22 O homem de bem deixa uma herança aos filhos de seus filhos; a riqueza do pecador, porém, é reservada para o justo.
23 Abundância de mantimento há, na lavoura do pobre; mas se perde por falta de juízo.
24 Aquele que poupa a vara aborrece a seu filho; mas quem o ama, a seu tempo o castiga.
25 O justo come e fica satisfeito; mas o apetite dos ímpios nunca se satisfaz.
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