Provérbios 31:31

31 Tau. Dai-lhe do fruto das suas mãos, e louvem-na nas portas as suas obras.

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Provérbios 31:31 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 31:31

Give her of the fruit of her hands
According to Aben Ezra, these are the words of her husband to her children; exhorting them to give her the praise and glory that is due unto her. Jarchi interprets it of the world to come; at which time, it is certain, the graces of the church, and of all believers, which are the fruits of the Spirit in them, and of their hands, as exercised by them, such as faith, hope, love, humility, patience, and others, will be found to honour and praise; and every such person shall have praise of God, ( 1 Peter 1:7 ) ( 1 Corinthians 4:5 ) ; and also of men and angels; to whom these words may be an exhortation to give it to them; and let her own words praise her in the gates;
where her husband is known, in public assemblies; before angels and men, in the great day; when her works will follow her, and speak for her, and she will be publicly praised by Christ, as all the faithful and righteous will, ( Revelation 14:13 ) ( Matthew 25:21 Matthew 25:34-40 ) . The Septuagint and Arabic versions render it, "let her husband be praised in the gate"; see ( Proverbs 31:23 ) ; so Ambrose, who interprets it of the happiness of the saints in heaven.

Provérbios 31:31 In-Context

29 Reche. Muitas mulheres têm procedido virtuosamente, mas tu a todas sobrepujas.
30 Chine. Enganosa é a graça, e vã é a formosura; mas a mulher que teme ao Senhor, essa será louvada.
31 Tau. Dai-lhe do fruto das suas mãos, e louvem-na nas portas as suas obras.
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